SMJ08026 Accounting Systems and Business Solutions

The Accounting Systems and Business Solutions sub-major provides students with knowledge of and skills in accounting and information management with integrated business information systems and with knowledge on the impact of enterprise systems (ES) on organisations and business processes. It provides an integrated view of information management for intra- and inter-company business processes. It also provides students with knowledge of contemporary issues in business information management, ERP, data warehousing, e-business and business process management. The sub-major focuses on the benefits of integration of business processes and integration of data, business planning, analysis and operations control with ES, and on business analysis with data warehouses.

SAP enterprise solutions are used extensively as demonstration and learning tools. This facilitates students understanding of real-world problems in accounting and information management and, in addition, provides students with valuable functional software skills.

The sub-major assists participants in the development of expertise in enterprise systems, a capability to bridge the traditional gap between business and IT, and awareness of cultural aspects of business information systems.

Completion requirements

22759 Accounting and ERP 6cp
22776 Business Information Systems 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
22766 Assurance for Business Information Systems6cp 
22797 Business Intelligence 1: Advanced Analysis6cp 
22783 Business Intelligence 2: Advanced Planning6cp 
22708 Accounting Information Systems6cp 
22782 Business Process Integration with ERP6cp 
Total 24cp