CBK90163 Science subjects

Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
91709 Pharmacology 26cp 
91708 Psychophysiology6cp 
91707 Pharmacology 16cp 
91706 Neuroscience6cp 
91705 Medical Devices and Diagnostics6cp 
91704 Behavioural Sciences6cp 
91703 Physiological Systems6cp 
91702 Medical Science 26cp 
91701 Medical Science 16cp 
91369 Biobusiness and Environmental Biotechnology6cp 
91368 Bioreactors and Bioprocessing6cp 
91363 Animal Behaviour and Physiology6cp 
91359 Immunology 26cp 
91358 Haematology 26cp 
91355 Haematology 13cp 
91354 Anatomical Pathology6cp 
91352 Parasitology6cp 
91351 Immunology 13cp 
91345 Biochemistry, Genes and Disease6cp 
91344 Medical and Diagnostic Biochemistry6cp 
91338 Clinical Bacteriology6cp 
91335 Molecular Biology 26cp 
91330 Epidemiology and Public Health Microbiology6cp 
91326 Analytical Biochemistry6cp 
91320 Metabolic Biochemistry6cp 
91314 General Microbiology6cp 
91313 Biomolecules: Structure and Function6cp 
91309 Biodiversity6cp 
91270 Plant Physiology and Ecophysiology6cp 
91237 Plant Pathology6cp 
91250 Management of Plants in Landscapes6cp 
91247 Landscape Design and Plant Culture6cp 
91246 Plant Structure, Function and Culture6cp 
91142 Biotechnology6cp 
91138 Investigation of Human Remains6cp 
91137 DNA Profiling6cp 
91132 Molecular Biology 16cp 
91131 Cytopathology Part B6cp 
91130 Cytopathology Part A6cp 
91129 Transfusion Science6cp 
91128 Plant Biotechnology3cp 
91122 Environmental Management6cp 
91121 Aquatic Ecology6cp 
91120 GIS and Remote Sensing6cp 
91112 Ecological Principles and Modelling6cp 
91111 Pollution Assessment6cp 
91110 Experimental Design and Sampling6cp 
91102 Animal Function and Diversity6cp 
91101 Cells, Genetics and Evolution6cp 
79024 Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Chemistry)6cp 
68611 Electromagnetics and Optics6cp 
68315 Imaging Science6cp 
68413 Quantum Technology6cp 
68514 Electronics and Interfacing6cp 
68512 Research Methods in Applied Physics6cp 
68511 Quantum and Solid-state Physics6cp 
68491 Introduction to Computational Science6cp 
68411 Vibrations, Quanta and Nucleons6cp 
68314 Electronics6cp 
68312 Electrotechnology and Data Analysis6cp 
68201 Physics in Action6cp 
68101 Foundations of Physics6cp 
68041 Physical Aspects of Nature6cp 
66611 Engineering and Groundwater Geology6cp 
66609 Environmental and Quaternary Geology6cp 
66509 Tectonics and Surface Dynamics6cp 
66508 Crustal and Mantle Processes6cp 
66409 Surficial Processes and Products6cp 
66408 Earth Resources6cp 
66305 Fold Belts and Cratons6cp 
66304 Earth Materials6cp 
66204 Field Studies 16cp 
66101 Earth Science 16cp 
65607 Physical Chemistry 26cp 
65606 Analytical Chemistry 36cp 
65543 Crime Scene Investigation6cp 
65509 Inorganic Chemistry 26cp 
65508 Organic Chemistry 26cp 
65411 Inorganic Chemistry 16cp 
65410 Chemical Safety and Legislation6cp 
65409 Analytical Chemistry 26cp 
65307 Physical Chemistry 16cp 
65306 Analytical Chemistry 16cp 
65241 Principles of Forensic Science6cp 
65202 Organic Chemistry 16cp 
65201 Chemistry 2C6cp 
65101 Chemistry 1C6cp 
65012 Chemistry 1A6cp 
60104 Nanosciences 26cp 
60103 Nanosciences 16cp 
35382 Numerical Analysis 26cp 
35363 Stochastic Models in Operations Research6cp 
35361 Probability and Stochastic Processes6cp 
35356 Design and Analysis of Experiments6cp 
35355 Quality Control6cp 
35353 Regression Analysis6cp 
35342 Optimisation 26cp 
35340 Operations Research Practice6cp 
35335 Mathematical Methods6cp 
35322 Analysis 26cp 
35321 Analysis 16cp 
35314 Pure Mathematics 3B6cp 
35313 Pure Mathematics 3A6cp 
35281 Numerical Methods6cp 
35252 Statistics 26cp 
35241 Optimisation 16cp 
35232 Advanced Calculus6cp 
35231 Differential Equations6cp 
35212 Linear Algebra6cp 
35170 Introduction to Computing6cp 
35151 Statistics 16cp 
35140 Operations Research Modelling6cp 
35111 Discrete Mathematics6cp 
35102 Mathematics 26cp 
35101 Mathematics 16cp 
35100 Mathematical Practice6cp 
35334 Applied Mathematics 3B6cp 
35333 Applied Mathematics 3A6cp 
33490 Computational Mathematics and Physics6cp 
33290 Statistics and Mathematics for Science6cp 
33190 Mathematical Modelling for Science6cp 
33360 Mathematics for Physical Science6cp 
33116 Statistical Design and Analysis6cp 
33113 Statistical Design and Analysis Part B3cp 
33112 Statistical Design and Analysis Part A3cp 
66102 Introduction to Earth Systems6cp 
66205 Earth Surface Systems6cp 
66513 Marine Geosciences6cp 
66512 Environmental and Groundwater Geology6cp 
68415 Measurement and Analysis of Physical Processes6cp 
68316 Applied Electronics and Interfacing6cp 
68414 Particles and Fields6cp 
68606 Solid-state Science and Nanodevices6cp 
60504 Research, Technology and Innovation6cp 
68513 Optics and Nanophotonics6cp 
Total 24cp