Students are introduced to plant cell and tissue culture, and the application of these techniques to cloning, somatic embryogenesis, somaclonal variation, anther and pollen culture, and totipotent suspension as a means of multiplication, and determining phenotypic and genetic stability of tissue cultured plants. The program also includes media preparation and nutrient requirements, and the use of robotics and biofermentors in micropropagation. Pathogen detection and elimination, production of virus-free plants, pathogen indexing, certification of horticultural crops, plant quarantine, germplasm preservation, cryopreservation, long-term storage, and biosecondary metabolites are covered. Physiological status of micropropagated plants, transplanting and hardening-off stages are demonstrated, and practices and problems in micropropagation such as vitrification, phenolic exudates, vessel environment, and large-scale production are covered. Special emphasis is given to Australian indigenous and rare flora.
Spring semester, City campus