Requisite(s): ((35151 Statistics 1 AND (35170 Introduction to Computing OR 31465 Object-oriented Programming)) OR 33401 Introductory Mathematical Methods)
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses. See access conditions.
This subject presents principles and methods of Monte Carlo and discrete event simulation, provides students with experience in using software for simulation, and introduces the main concepts of queuing theory. The queuing theory component of the subject includes Poisson process, birth-and-death models, and queuing models with one and several servers. The simulation component of the subject includes: pseudorandom number generation and corresponding statistical tests; evaluation of integrals using Monte Carlo simulation; generation of continuous and discrete random variables, including inverse transform technique, convolution method, and acceptance-rejection technique; verification and validation of simulation models; output analysis for a single simulation model and comparison of alternative system designs; and variance reduction techniques.
Autumn semester, City campus
This subject was formerly called Simulation Modelling.