Numerical list of streams

Alphabetical list of streams

STM90001 International Business major: Country study option
STM90002 International Business major: No country study option
STM90003 International Marketing sub-major: No country study option
STM90004 International Marketing sub-major: Country study option
STM90005 Chinese stream (LOTE)
STM90006 French stream (LOTE)
STM90007 German stream (LOTE)
STM90008 Greek stream (LOTE)
STM90009 Indonesian stream (LOTE)
STM90010 Italian stream (LOTE)
STM90011 Japanese stream (LOTE)
STM90013 Thai stream (LOTE)
STM90014 Spanish stream (LOTE)
STM90015 Russian stream (LOTE)
STM90016 China: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90017 France: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90018 Germany: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90019 Indonesia: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90020 Italy: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90021 Japan: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90022 Latin America: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90023 Spain: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90024 Thailand: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90068 Capstone project + electives
STM90070 Physical Modelling subjects
STM90078 Project
STM90079 Project
STM90080 Project + two electives
STM90081 Project + one elective
STM90082 Project
STM90083 Management stream
STM90084 Employment Relations stream
STM90085 Industrial Law stream
STM90086 Banking strand
STM90087 Corporate Finance strand
STM90090 Project (two semesters)
STM90091 Professional Project
STM90092 Journalism Research Project (PT)
STM90093 Film and Video stream
STM90094 New Media stream
STM90095 Sound stream
STM90096 Media Arts and Production project (two semesters)
STM90097 Option 1: Project (one semester)
STM90098 Option 2: Project (two semesters)
STM90099 Option 3: No project
STM90100 Project (two semesters)
STM90102 Practical Legal Training stream
STM90106 Core subjects
STM90107 Core subjects (Engineering)
STM90108 Core subjects (Business)
STM90109 No specified specialisation Education PG (Creative Arts)
STM90111 Research project Law PG
STM90112 Law graduate entrant stream
STM90113 Non-law graduate entrant stream
STM90114 Law graduate entrant stream
STM90115 Non-law graduate entrant stream
STM90116 Law graduate entrant stream
STM90117 Non-law graduate entrant stream
STM90118 Project (two semesters)
STM90119 No project option
STM90120 Project option
STM90121 Dissertation option
STM90122 No project option
STM90123 No specified major
STM90141 Performance Studies stream
STM90142 Project (two semesters)
STM90143 Project (two semesters)
STM90144 Project (two semesters)
STM90145 Project (two semesters)
STM90146 Elementary Numerical Methods stream
STM90147 Numerical Analysis stream
STM90148 Differential Equations stream
STM90149 Modern and Linear Algebra stream
STM90150 Analysis with Applications to Probability Theory stream
STM90151 Financial Modelling stream
STM90152 Techniques of Mathematical Programming stream
STM90153 Simulation and Decision Support stream
STM90154 Analysis of Experimental Data stream
STM90155 Industrial Applications of Statistics stream
STM90156 Mathematical Statistics stream
STM90161 Contextual Studies
STM90166 Biotechnology stream
STM90167 Medical Science stream
STM90169 Physical Sciences foundation stream
STM90170 Environmental Sciences foundation stream
STM90171 Medical and Molecular Biosciences foundation stream
STM90172 Computational Sciences foundation stream
STM90173 Clinical Practice stream
STM90174 Core subjects Clinical Practice PG
STM90175 No specified major Nursing Clinical Practice PG
STM90176 Core subjects
STM90177 Graduate project
STM90178 Core subjects
STM90181 Project (Social Inquiry) (two semesters)
STM90182 Thesis stream
STM90183 Statistical Consulting stream
STM90184 Locating Oneself in Global Learning stream
STM90185 Biochemistry and Molecular Biology stream
STM90186 Microbiology stream
STM90187 Pathology stream
STM90188 Immunology and Molecular Biology stream
STM90189 Alternative to Epidemiology and Public Health Microbiology
STM90190 Chinese Language stream
STM90191 French Language stream
STM90192 German Language stream
STM90193 Greek Language stream
STM90194 Indonesian Language stream
STM90195 Italian Language stream
STM90196 Japanese Language stream
STM90197 Malaysian Language stream
STM90198 Russian Language stream
STM90199 Spanish Language stream
STM90200 Thai Language stream
STM90202 Programming and Design stream
STM90203 Distributed Network Computing stream
STM90205 Honours Thesis (two semesters)
STM90206 Honours Thesis (three semesters)
STM90210 Accounting stream
STM90211 Finance and Economics stream
STM90212 Management stream
STM90213 Marketing stream
STM90214 Applied International Marketing Research stream
STM90216 Core subjects
STM90219 Graduate Diploma in Education
STM90226 Core subjects
STM90228 Core subjects
STM90253 Project (Cultural Studies) (two semesters)
STM90266 Latino USA: Specialist Country Studies stream
STM90267 Core subjects
STM90268 Core subjects (Construction)
STM90271 Engineering practice program
STM90272 Core subjects (Engineering)
STM90273 Core subjects
STM90274 Core subjects (Biotechnology)
STM90275 Core subjects (Biomedical Science)
STM90276 Core subjects (Biotechnology)
STM90277 Core subjects (Environmental Biology)
STM90278 Core subjects
STM90279 Core subjects (Urban Ecology)
STM90280 Core subjects Applied Chemistry
STM90281 Core subjects (Applied Physics)
STM90282 Core subjects (Biomedical Forensic Biology)
STM90283 Core subjects (Medical Science)
STM90284 Core subjects (Biotechnology)
STM90285 Core subjects
STM90286 PDHPE Teacher stream
STM90287 Non-PDHPE Teacher stream
STM90288 Core subjects
STM90289 Core subjects
STM90290 Core subjects
STM90291 Core subjects
STM90292 Core subjects
STM90293 Core subjects
STM90294 Core subjects
STM90295 Core subjects (Tsinghua)
STM90296 Core subjects (Tsinghua)
STM90297 Core subjects (Tsinghua)
STM90304 Core subjects
STM90305 Core subjects
STM90306 Core subjects
STM90307 Core subjects
STM90308 Core subjects
STM90309 Core subjects
STM90310 Core subjects
STM90311 Core subjects
STM90312 Core subjects
STM90313 Core subjects
STM90314 Core subjects
STM90315 Core subjects
STM90316 Core subjects
STM90317 Core subjects
STM90318 Core subjects
STM90333 Core subjects
STM90334 Core subjects
STM90335 Core subjects
STM90339 Core subjects
STM90340 Core subjects
STM90341 Core subjects
STM90342 Core subjects
STM90343 Core subjects
STM90344 Core subjects
STM90345 Core subjects
STM90346 International Management specialisation
STM90347 International Marketing specialisation
STM90348 Medical Science Core
STM90349 Core subjects (Medical Science)
STM90350 Core subjects (Mathematics)
STM90351 Core subjects (Generic)
STM90352 Sustainable Energy Systems stream
STM90353 Intelligent Systems stream
STM90354 Computer-aided Design stream
STM90355 Biomedical Technology stream
STM90356 Core subjects
STM90357 No specified major
STM90359 New Media stream
STM90360 Writing stream
STM90361 Screenwriting stream
STM90362 Advertising stream
STM90363 Public Relations stream
STM90364 Core subjects
STM90365 No specified major
STM90368 Honours Thesis (PT)
STM90369 Core subjects
STM90370 Core subjects
STM90371 Core subjects
STM90372 Core subjects
STM90373 Core subjects
STM90374 Core subjects
STM90375 Core subjects
STM90376 Core subjects (Management)
STM90377 Core subjects (HRD)
STM90378 Core subjects (Law) UG
STM90379 Core subjects
STM90380 IT Experience program
STM90381 Core subjects
STM90382 Core subjects
STM90383 Core subjects
STM90384 Core subjects
STM90385 Core subjects
STM90386 Core subjects
STM90387 Core 100-level disciplinary subjects
STM90388 Professional Experience stream (LLN)
STM90389 Core subjects
STM90390 Core subjects (e-Learning PG)
STM90391 Core subjects (Language Teaching in TESOL): 1
STM90392 Core subjects
STM90393 Honours Thesis (Education)
STM90394 Core subjects
STM90395 Practicum stream
STM90396 Core subjects
STM90397 Special Education stream
STM90398 Medical and Molecular Science foundation stream
STM90399 Core 100-level subjects (Journalism/Law)
STM90400 Humanities stream
STM90401 Law stream
STM90402 Core subjects
STM90403 Core subjects
STM90404 Practicum (SpecEd) stream
STM90405 Core subjects (Design) PG
STM90406 Core subjects
STM90407 Core subjects (Design) PG
STM90408 Core subjects (Project Management)
STM90409 Facility Management PG subjects
STM90410 Core subjects (Facility Management)
STM90411 Core subjects (Planning)
STM90412 Core subjects (Planning)
STM90413 Core subjects (Planning)
STM90414 Core subjects (Property)
STM90415 Property Fundamentals PG subjects
STM90416 Core subjects (Language Teaching in TESOL): 2
STM90417 Core subjects
STM90418 Core subjects
STM90419 Core subjects
STM90420 Core subjects
STM90421 Core subjects
STM90422 Core subjects
STM90423 Core subjects
STM90424 Core subjects
STM90425 Core subjects
STM90426 Core subjects
STM90427 Core subjects
STM90428 Core subjects
STM90429 Core subjects
STM90430 Honours subjects
STM90431 Mathematics specialisation
STM90432 Science and Technology specialisation
STM90433 Educational Computing specialisation
STM90434 Education specialisation
STM90435 International specialisation
STM90436 English specialisation
STM90437 Human Society and its Environment specialisation
STM90438 Languages specialisation
STM90439 PDHPE specialisation
STM90440 Art specialisation
STM90441 Children's Theatre and the Creative Arts specialisation
STM90442 Music specialisation
STM90443 Practicum stream
STM90444 Core 100-level Disciplinary subjects (MAP/Law)
STM90445 Humanities stream
STM90446 Social Inquiry/Law stream
STM90447 Humanities stream
STM90448 Core 100-level subjects (Public Communication/Law)
STM90449 Humanities stream
STM90450 Core 100-level subjects (Writing and Cultural Studies/Law)
STM90451 Humanities stream
STM90452 Core 100-level subjects (Information Management/Law)
STM90453 Humanities stream
STM90454 Subjects credited from C10206
STM90455 Honours subjects (PrimEd) final year
STM90456 Subjects credited from C10207
STM90457 Honours subjects (SpecEd) final year
STM90458 PLT stream
STM90459 Standard entry subjects
STM90460 Accelerated entry subjects
STM90461 Third-year subjects
STM90463 Core subjects
STM90464 MBA-LWE stream
STM90465 MEM stream
STM90466 Human-centred Design
STM90467 Data Mining
STM90468 Software Engineering
STM90469 IT Management
STM90470 e-Business Technology
STM90472 Computer Graphics and Gaming
STM90473 Human-centred Design
STM90474 Data Mining
STM90475 Software Engineering
STM90476 IT Management
STM90477 e-Business Technology
STM90479 Computer Graphics and Gaming
STM90480 First-year subjects
STM90481 Second-year subjects
STM90482 Third-year subjects
STM90483 Core subjects
STM90484 Masters option without project
STM90487 Core subjects
STM90488 Accelerated entry subjects
STM90489 Clinical Accreditation Program (SSWAHS)
STM90490 Clinical Accreditation Program (NSCCH)
STM90491 No specified major
STM90492 No specified major
STM90493 Structures stream
STM90494 Construction stream
STM90495 Water stream
STM90496 Civil stream
STM90497 Materials Stream
STM90500 Information and Media Core
STM90501 Humanities stream
STM90565 MBA stream
STM90566 Core subjects
STM90567 Core subjects (IT)
STM90568 Entrepreneurial stream
STM90569 Professional Experience
STM90570 Key Learning Areas
STM90571 Contextual Studies
STM90572 Honours
STM90573 Professional Experience (SpecEd)
STM90574 Special Education subjects
STM90575 Core subjects
STM90576 Core subjects
STM90577 No specified major
STM90578 Core subjects
STM90581 Core subjects
STM90588 Core subjects Environmental Forensics
STM90589 Core subjects Marine Biology
STM90592 Core subjects
STM90593 Australian Indigenous Law
STM90595 Domestic students
STM90596 International students
STM90597 Domestic students
STM90598 International students
STM90599 Information Management
STM90600 Knowledge Management
STM90601 International Marketing Country Study
STM90602 Applied International Business
STM90603 International Management Field Study
STM90604 Research
STM90605 Coursework
STM90606 Project (two semesters) (FT)
STM90607 Project (three semesters)
STM90608 Project (two semesters) (PT)
STM90609 Project (two semesters) (FT)
STM90610 Project (three semesters)
STM90611 Project (two semesters) (PT)
STM90612 Project (three semesters) (PT)
STM90613 Project (two semesters)
STM90614 Project (three semesters) (FT)
STM90615 Research
STM90616 Coursework
STM90617 Core subjects
STM90618 Core subjects
STM90619 Tsinghua stream
STM90620 Coursework
STM90621 Research
STM90622 Core subjects
STM90623 Standard stream
STM90624 Accounting and Enterprise Systems
STM90625 Accounting Performance Measurement and Reporting
STM90626 General Finance strand
STM90627 Funds Management strand
STM90628 Core subjects
STM90629 Electives
STM90630 Core subjects
STM90631 Core subjects
STM90632 Project electives
STM90633 Core subjects
STM90634 Core subjects
STM90635 Project electives
STM90636 Core subjects
STM90637 Research
STM90638 Coursework
STM90639 Core subjects (Property Development)
STM90640 Core subjects (Secondary Education)
STM90641 Project electives
STM90642 Core subjects
STM90643 Core subjects
STM90644 Core subjects
STM90645 Core subjects
STM90647 Core subjects
STM90648 Core subjects
STM90649 Core subjects
STM90650 Core subjects
STM90651 Core subjects
STM90652 Capstone Project
STM90653 Masters option without project
STM90654 Masters option without project
STM90668 Core subjects
STM90669 Core subjects
STM90670 Civil Stream
STM90671 Civil and Environmental Stream
STM90672 Electrical Stream
STM90673 ICT Stream
STM90674 Mechanical Stream
STM90675 Mechanical and Mechatronic Stream
STM90687 Core subjects
STM90688 Core subjects
STM90689 Core subjects
STM90690 Core subjects
STM90691 Law stream
STM90695 Non-IT Graduate stream