STM90670 Civil Stream

48221 Informatics: Visual Basic 6cp
Select 72 credit points from the following options: 72cp
48310 Introduction to Civil Engineering6cp 
48321 Statics6cp 
60101 Chemistry and Materials Science6cp 
48331 Mechanics of Solids6cp 
48330 Soil Behaviour6cp 
48641 Fluid Mechanics6cp 
48340 Construction6cp 
48352 Construction Materials6cp 
48320 Surveying6cp 
48362 Hydraulics and Hydrology6cp 
48360 Geotechnical Engineering6cp 
48349 Structural Analysis6cp 
48366 Steel and Timber Design6cp 
48353 Concrete Design6cp 
48370 Transport in the Environment6cp 
48350 Environmental and Sanitation Engineering6cp 
48389 Computer Modelling and Design6cp 
16109 Construction 16cp 
16912 Construction Project Management 16cp 
16204 Construction 26cp 
16205 Services 16cp 
16913 Construction Project Management 26cp 
48850 Environmental Planning and Law6cp 
48364 Materials Testing6cp 
48365 Materials Performance6cp 
48371 Advanced Engineering Computing6cp 
48840 Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering6cp 
48881 Water and Environmental Design6cp 
Total 78cp