STM90643 Core subjects

84110 Aesthetics in Industrial Design 6cp
84111 Understanding Three-dimensional Form 6cp
84112 Industrial Design Communications 6cp
84113 Problem Solving in Industrial Design 6cp
84114 Industrial Design Digital Communication 6cp
84115 Informing Industrial Design 6cp
85502 Researching Design History 6cp
85503 Researching Design Processes 6cp
84120 Structure, Form and Material in Industrial Design 6cp
84121 Computer-aided Industrial Design 6cp
84122 Ergonomics and Industrial Design 6cp
84123 Material Manipulation 6cp
84124 Sustainability and Design 6cp
84130 Product Technology 6cp
84135 Ecodesign Practice 6cp
84131 Industrial Design Directions 6cp
84133 Industrial Design Theory 6cp
84134 Industrial Design Professional Communication 6cp
85701 Research Based Designing 6cp
84471 Industrial Design Major Project: Research and Conceptualisation 12cp
84472 Industrial Design Professional Project 12cp
84480 Industrial Design Major Project: Realisation 12cp
84772 Industrial Design Professional Practice 6cp
Total 156cp