STM90402 Core subjects

31267 Programming Fundamentals 6cp
31268 Web Systems 6cp
31244 Applications Programming 6cp
31266 Introduction to Information Systems 6cp
31251 Data Structures and Algorithms 6cp
31271 Database Fundamentals 6cp
31269 Business Requirements Modelling 6cp
31281 Systems Development Project 12cp
31272 Project Management and the Professional 6cp
31260 Interface Design 6cp
35101 Mathematics 1 6cp
35102 Mathematics 2 6cp
35111 Discrete Mathematics 6cp
35140 Operations Research Modelling 6cp
35151 Statistics 1 6cp
35353 Regression Analysis 6cp
35281 Numerical Methods 6cp
35383 High Performance Computing 6cp
31279 Software Development and Processes 6cp
Total 120cp