STM90461 Third-year subjects

92241 Inquiry in Nursing Practice 6cp
92242 Practice Interactions 6cp
92243 Practice Development 1 6cp
92244 Comprehensive Health Assessment 6cp
92245 Organisational Relationships 6cp
CBK90353 Nursing sub-major choice 12cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
92249 Critical Care6cp 
92251 Community Health Nursing6cp 
92253 Maternal and Infant Care6cp 
92254 Mental Health Nursing6cp 
92256 Perioperative Nursing6cp 
92257 Paediatric Nursing6cp 
92258 Palliative Care6cp 
92260 Women's Health6cp 
92263 Care of the Older Person6cp 
92264 Australian Indigenous Health Care6cp 
Total 48cp