STM90281 Core subjects (Applied Physics)

33190 Mathematical Modelling for Science 6cp
65101 Chemistry 1C 6cp
68101 Foundations of Physics 6cp
67101 Introduction to Materials 6cp
33290 Statistics and Mathematics for Science 6cp
65201 Chemistry 2C 6cp
68201 Physics in Action 6cp
68316 Applied Electronics and Interfacing 6cp
33360 Mathematics for Physical Science 6cp
35170 Introduction to Computing 6cp
68315 Imaging Science 6cp
68413 Quantum Technology 6cp
68415 Measurement and Analysis of Physical Processes 6cp
68414 Particles and Fields 6cp
68491 Introduction to Computational Science 6cp
60504 Research, Technology and Innovation 6cp
68513 Optics and Nanophotonics 6cp
68606 Solid-state Science and Nanodevices 6cp
68412 Energy Science and Technology 6cp
60103 Nanosciences 1 6cp
Total 120cp