STM90357 No specified major

Select one of the following: 6cp
      48221 Informatics: Visual Basic6cp 
      48023 Object-oriented Programming6cp 
Select 72 credit points from the following options: 72cp
48430 Embedded C6cp 
48441 Introductory Digital Systems6cp 
48451 Advanced Digital Systems6cp 
48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering6cp 
48520 Electronics and Circuits6cp 
48530 Circuit Analysis6cp 
48531 Electromechanical Systems6cp 
48540 Signals and Systems6cp 
48550 Electrical Energy Technology6cp 
48551 Advanced Electronics6cp 
48610 Introduction to Mechanical and Mechatronic Engineering6cp 
68038 Advanced Mathematics and Physics6cp 
31473 Data Structures and Procedural Programming6cp 
48432 Formal Software Engineering6cp 
48433 Software Architecture: Engineering6cp 
48434 Embedded Systems6cp 
48440 Software Engineering6cp 
48740 Communications Networks6cp 
31474 Database Fundamentals6cp 
31777 Human-Computer Interaction6cp 
48436 Advanced System Security6cp 
48541 Signal Theory6cp 
48720 Network Fundamentals6cp 
48730 Authentication and System Security6cp 
48770 Signal Processing6cp 
48771 Communication Theory6cp 
48310 Introduction to Civil Engineering6cp 
48321 Statics6cp 
48330 Soil Behaviour6cp 
48331 Mechanics of Solids6cp 
48340 Construction6cp 
48352 Construction Materials6cp 
48641 Fluid Mechanics6cp 
48840 Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering6cp 
48850 Environmental Planning and Law6cp 
60101 Chemistry and Materials Science6cp 
48620 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering6cp 
48621 Manufacturing Engineering6cp 
48640 Machine Dynamics6cp 
48650 Mechanical and Manufacturing Design6cp 
48651 Thermodynamics6cp 
48342 Structural Behaviour and Design6cp 
48821 Ecological Engineering6cp 
48353 Concrete Design6cp 
65101 Chemistry 1C6cp 
Total 78cp