STM90002 International Business major: No country study option

21591 International Management 6cp
25304 Asian-Australian Economics Relations 6cp
22240 International Accounting 6cp
24220 International Marketing 6cp
Select one of the following: 6cp
      21532 Applied International Business6cp 
      21595 International Management Field Study6cp 
Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
21593 International Business and Government6cp 
25315 International Economics6cp 
25421 International Financial Management6cp 
24517 Contemporary International Marketing Issues6cp 
24607 International Marketing Management Project6cp 
24440 International Promotion and Advertising6cp 
79603 International Business Law and Regulation6cp 
22309 Accounting for Overseas Transactions6cp 
21306 Employment Relations in the Global Context6cp 
CBK90124 Electives (International)6cp 
21630 Global Strategic Management6cp 
Total 48cp