STM90648 Core subjects

87100 VC Project: Ways of Seeing 6cp
87117 VC Technology: Visible Language 6cp
87118 VC Studies: Image Experimentation 6cp
85502 Researching Design History 6cp
87222 VC Project: Symbols and Systems 6cp
87333 VC Technology: Typography, Text and Form 6cp
87221 VC Studies: Histories of Visual Communication 6cp
85503 Researching Design Processes 6cp
87335 VC Project: Sequence and Narrative 6cp
87443 VC Technology: Type for Print 6cp
87445 VC Project: Schema and Non-Linear Narrative 6cp
87447 VC Technology: Motion Graphics 6cp
87555 VC Project: Design Practice 6cp
87551 VC Studies: Concepts of Professionalism 6cp
87665 VC Project: The Community 6cp
85701 Research Based Designing 6cp
87773 Visualising Research 12cp
87880 Major Project VC 24cp
87441 VC Studies: Contexts of Visual Communication 6cp
Total 138cp