STM90288 Core subjects

27342 Sociocultural Foundations of Leisure, Sport and Tourism 6cp
27126 Leisure in Australia 6cp
24108 Marketing Foundations 6cp
21129 Managing People and Organisations 6cp
27343 Leadership in Leisure Management 6cp
27326 Leisure and Diversity 6cp
27106 Behavioural Foundations of Leisure and Sport 6cp
25115 Economics for Business 6cp
27351 Professional Internship 1 3cp
27344 Research for Leisure and Tourism 6cp
27345 Designing and Planning Leisure Experiences 6cp
27323 Public Policy for Leisure Sport and Tourism 6cp
22107 Accounting for Business 6cp
27628 Law for Leisure, Sport and Tourism 6cp
27216 Leisure Services and Facility Management 6cp
27523 Environmental Planning for Leisure and Tourism 6cp
27324 Strategic Management in Tourism and Leisure 6cp
27321 Leisure Management Project 1 6cp
27526 Leisure Theory 6cp
27322 Leisure Management Project 2 6cp
27352 Professional Internship 2 3cp
Total 120cp