STM90642 Core subjects

86001 Strategies for Interior Design 6cp
86002 The Human Environment 6cp
86420 Interior Design Communication 6cp
85502 Researching Design History 6cp
86110 Interior Design Communication: Digital Media 6cp
86003 Interior Design Conceptualisation 6cp
86320 Interior Materiality and Design Detail 6cp
85503 Researching Design Processes 6cp
86021 Interior Design History 6cp
86022 Sustainable Human Futures: Residential Environments 6cp
86023 Light, New Materials and Form 6cp
86024 Hospitality Environments 6cp
86025 Interior Elements and Design Detail 6cp
86150 Consumer Environments 6cp
86031 Directions in Spatial Experience 6cp
86133 Interior Systems and Design Detail 6cp
86213 Interpreting Cultural Space 6cp
86160 Corporate Environments 6cp
85701 Research Based Designing 6cp
86041 Interior Design Major Project: Research and Conceptualisation 12cp
86042 Interior Design Professional Project 12cp
86871 Professional Practice for Interior Designers 6cp
86043 Interior Design Major Project: Realisation 12cp
Total 156cp