STM90172 Computational Sciences foundation stream

35101 Mathematics 1 6cp
35170 Introduction to Computing 6cp
68101 Foundations of Physics 6cp
35102 Mathematics 2 6cp
68491 Introduction to Computational Science 6cp
68201 Physics in Action 6cp
Select 12 credit points from the following options: 12cp
65101 Chemistry 1C6cp 
67101 Introduction to Materials6cp 
65201 Chemistry 2C6cp 
67303 Mechanical Properties of Materials6cp 
91101 Cells, Genetics and Evolution6cp 
91701 Medical Science 16cp 
65012 Chemistry 1A6cp 
91313 Biomolecules: Structure and Function6cp 
91702 Medical Science 26cp 
65022 Chemistry 2A6cp 
Total 48cp