STM90369 Core subjects

83119 Thinking Fashion 6cp
83120 An Introduction to Patternmaking and Construction 6cp
83121 Fashion Communication: An Introduction 6cp
83231 Fashion and Textile Design Methods 6cp
83232 Intermediate Patternmaking and Construction 6cp
83233 Fashion Communication: Fashion Drawing and Digital Media 6cp
83341 Fashion, Gender and Identity 6cp
83342 Couture Techniques 6cp
83343 Fashion Design: Past to Present 6cp
83344 Fashion Communication: Advanced Drawing and Digital Media 6cp
83345 New Textiles and Technologies 6cp
83772 International Design 6cp
83773 Research Dissertation, Fashion Design 6cp
83777 Professional Practice for Fashion and Textile Designers 6cp
83800 Fashion and Textile Design Major Project 24cp
85502 Researching Design History 6cp
85503 Researching Design Processes 6cp
Total 120cp