STM90374 Core subjects

16120 Built Environment Design 6cp
16123 Introduction to Property 6cp
16124 Property Accounting and Management 6cp
16125 Property Economics 6cp
16126 Appraisal and Statistics 6cp
16127 Building Technology 6cp
16128 Property Transactions 6cp
16129 Trust Accounting and Management 6cp
16231 Property Management 6cp
16232 Property and Political Economy 6cp
16233 Urban Planning Process 6cp
16234 Valuation Methods 6cp
16235 Urban Economics 6cp
16236 Property Cash Flow Analysis 6cp
16237 Property Taxation 6cp
16238 Research Methods 6cp
16331 Specialised Valuation 6cp
16332 Investment and Portfolio 6cp
16333 Statutory Valuation and Litigation 6cp
16334 Development Management 6cp
16335 Advanced Valuation 6cp
16336 Property Title and Tenure 6cp
16337 Professional Property Practice 6cp
16338 International Property Investment 6cp
Total 144cp