STM90620 Coursework

The Coursework strand in the Master of Management in Sport Management provides an opportunity for students to broaden their knowledge and skills in relation to management functions or aspects of related management fields not covered by the core program. In particular, students are able to strengthen their sport management skills by choosing electives broadly across the range of postgraduate subjects offered by the Faculty of Business and the School of Leisure, Sport and Tourism.

Completion requirements

27765 Event Management 6cp
27721 Sport Globalisation 6cp
27778 Innovative Services Management 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
27705 Industrialised Tourism Systems6cp 
27706 Managing Tourism Services6cp 
27708 Destinations in Tourism Systems6cp 
27807 Tourism Marketing6cp 
27767 Tourist Behaviour6cp 
27753 Arts and Cultural Industries6cp 
27755 Arts Organisations and Management6cp 
27752 Marketing for the Arts6cp 
27763 Arts and Cultural Policy6cp 
27727 Event Creation Workshop6cp 
27726 Event Concepts and Contexts6cp 
27728 Event Marketing6cp 
27769 Professional Internship for Graduates6cp 
27700 Sustainable Tourism Management6cp 
Total 24cp