STM90673 ICT Stream

48023 Object-oriented Programming 6cp
Select 72 credit points from the following options: 72cp
48410 Introduction to ICT Engineering6cp 
48441 Introductory Digital Systems6cp 
48510 Introduction to Electrical Engineering6cp 
48541 Signal Theory6cp 
48720 Network Fundamentals6cp 
48471 ICT Analysis6cp 
48481 ICT Design6cp 
48451 Advanced Digital Systems6cp 
48520 Electronics and Circuits6cp 
48570 Data Acquisition and Distribution6cp 
48430 Embedded C6cp 
48434 Embedded Systems6cp 
48450 Real-time Operating Systems6cp 
48730 Authentication and System Security6cp 
48740 Communications Networks6cp 
48750 Network Planning and Management6cp 
48770 Signal Processing6cp 
48771 Communication Theory6cp 
48780 Mobile Communications6cp 
Total 78cp