STM90476 IT Management

32147 Introduction to IT Management 6cp
Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
32208 Information Processing Strategy6cp 
32541 Project Management6cp 
32546 Business Process Engineering6cp 
49016 Technology and Innovation Management6cp 
32603 Software Quality Management6cp 
32027 Multimedia Systems Design6cp 
32028 Aligning Technology to Business Processes6cp 
32029 Interactive Arts6cp 
32126 Web Content Design and Management6cp 
32509 Interaction Design6cp 
32531 Global Information Systems6cp 
32532 Conducting Business Electronically6cp 
32534 Knowledge Management Systems6cp 
32990 IT Contracts and Outsourcing6cp 
32995 People Management for IT6cp 
Total 30cp