CBK90326 Options

Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
77902 Advanced Corporations Law6cp 
77746 Advanced Mediation6cp 
77945 Advanced Taxation6cp 
77715 Banking Law (PG)6cp 
77719 Capital Gains Tax: Fundamentals6cp 
78000 Capital Gains Tax: Special Topics6cp 
77737 Carriage of Goods by Sea6cp 
77973 Children, Young People and the Law6cp 
77752 Commercial Arbitration (Domestic)6cp 
77903 Copyright Law 16cp 
77904 Copyright Law 26cp 
77730 Corporate Insolvency and Restructuring6cp 
77711 Corporations, Finance and Securities6cp 
77765 Resolution Strategies for the Litigated Case6cp 
77792 Crisis Negotiation6cp 
77920 Current Issues in Biomedical Law and Bioethics6cp 
77702 Current Problems of Public International Law6cp 
77712 Deceptive Trade Practices6cp 
77893 Designs Law and Practice6cp 
79771 Dispute Resolution (PG)6cp 
77761 Dispute Resolution in Commerce6cp 
77915 Electronic Communications Law6cp 
77704 European Union Law6cp 
77760 Family Dispute Resolution6cp 
77900 Goods and Services Tax6cp 
77970 Income Tax Law6cp 
77762 Industrial Dispute Resolution6cp 
77793 Information Technology Law6cp 
77724 International Banking and Finance Law6cp 
77751 International Commercial Arbitration6cp 
77935 International Business Law6cp 
77701 International Economic Law (PG)6cp 
77794 International Environmental Law6cp 
77953 International Taxation Law 16cp 
77943 International Taxation Law 26cp 
77716 International Trade Law (PG)6cp 
77998 Introduction to Cybercrime6cp 
77976 Introduction to World Trade Organisation Law6cp 
77887 Legal Issues in e-Commerce6cp 
77722 Media Law (PG)6cp 
77745 Negotiation6cp 
77972 Parenting and the Law6cp 
77898 Patent Law6cp 
77934 Pollution Law6cp 
77926 Private International Law6cp 
77850 Psychology and Dispute Resolution6cp 
77971 Relationships and the Law6cp 
78001 Remedies for Deceptive Trade Practices and Product Liability6cp 
77740 Research Paper6cp 
77721 Restrictive Trade Practices (PG)6cp 
77767 Taxation Administration6cp 
77978 Taxation of Financial Arrangements6cp 
77796 Taxation of Partnerships and Trusts6cp 
77924 Taxation of Superannuation (Retirement Planning)6cp 
77886 Telecommunications and Media Law6cp 
77867 Workplace Dispute Resolution6cp 
77706 Advanced Administrative Law (PG)6cp 
77707 Advanced Constitutional Law (PG)6cp 
77734 Law and Medicine6cp 
77783 International Commercial Dispute Resolution6cp 
77901 Securities Markets Law6cp 
77930 Insurance Law6cp 
78002 Compliance Regulation6cp 
78006 Financial Services Law6cp 
78008 Law of the Sea6cp 
78010 International Criminal Law6cp 
78011 International Sale of Goods6cp 
76005 Islamic Law6cp 
76026 Local Government Law6cp 
76037 Advanced Criminal Law6cp 
76039 Jessup International Moot6cp 
76047 Advanced Contracts6cp 
76064 Law and Natural Resources6cp 
76901 Vis Arbitral Moot6cp 
78012 Managing the Resolution of Public Arena Disputes6cp 
78013 Refugee Law and Practice6cp 
78014 Introduction to Chinese Law and Legal System6cp 
78015 Global Aspects of Intellectual Property Law6cp 
78016 International Humanitarian Law6cp 
78017 International Advocacy6cp 
76004 Administration of Criminal Justice6cp 
76002 Sports Law6cp 
76524 Innocence Project6cp 
78018 Human Rights: International and Comparative Perspectives6cp 
76521 Intellectual Property and Traditional Knowledge6cp 
76522 Indigenous Peoples in International Law6cp 
76523 Commercial Contracts6cp 
78021 Contemporary Issues in Constitutional Law and Jurisprudence6cp 
78022 Restorative Justice Processes6cp 
76900 Moot6cp 
78023 International Trade Law and the Environment6cp 
78024 Corruption Law and Policy: Australian and International Perspectives6cp 
78025 Intellectual Property: Law and Policy6cp 
78026 Business and Law in China6cp 
78027 Organisational Conflict Resolution6cp 
78028 Human Rights in Asia6cp 
78029 Mediation Practice6cp 
78030 Sentencing6cp 
78031 Anti-Money Laundering and Proceeds of Crime6cp 
78032 Water Law and Policy6cp 
78033 New Directions in American Law6cp 
78034 International Marine Environmental Law6cp 
77889 Trade Marks Law6cp 
77890 Trade Marks Practice6cp 
78035 Corporate Governance6cp 
78036 Technology, Law and the Future of Entertainment6cp 
78037 Issues in Federal Labour Law6cp 
Total 6cp