CBK90007 Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives

Select 48 credit points from the following options: 48cp
SMJ08026 Accounting Systems and Business Solutions24cp 
SMJ08168 Adult Communication Management24cp 
SMJ08071 Arts Management24cp 
SMJ08143 Banking24cp 
SMJ02038 Business Information Technology24cp 
SMJ09037 Business Law24cp 
SMJ08164 Community Management24cp 
SMJ09021 Dispute Resolution24cp 
SMJ08144 e-Business Marketing24cp 
SMJ02052 e-Enabling Skills24cp 
SMJ08075 Engineering Management24cp 
SMJ03429 Engineering Policy24cp 
SMJ02051 e-Strategy24cp 
SMJ08147 Finance24cp 
SMJ08034 Financial Analysis Skills24cp 
SMJ08167 Financial Aspects of Corporate Governance24cp 
SMJ08077 Funds Management24cp 
SMJ08078 Health Management24cp 
SMJ08148 International Business24cp 
SMJ08149 International Management24cp 
SMJ08150 International Marketing24cp 
SMJ08079 Knowledge Management24cp 
SMJ08080 Management Skills24cp 
SMJ08084 Marketing24cp 
SMJ08086 Project Management24cp 
SMJ08153 Public Relations24cp 
SMJ08155 Sport Management24cp 
SMJ02015 Strategic Information Technology24cp 
SMJ08166 Strategic Resource Management24cp 
SMJ08165 Sustainability and Responsible Business24cp 
SMJ08156 Tourism Management24cp 
CBK90008 Electives24cp 
SMJ08065 Management Consulting and Change24cp 
SMJ08066 Human Resources Management24cp 
SMJ08062 Public Sector Managment24cp 
SMJ08059 Managing Knowledge24cp 
SMJ08038 Strategic Management24cp 
SMJ08032 International Aid and Development24cp 
SMJ08037 Value Chain Management24cp 
SMJ08098 Accounting Information and Business Modelling24cp 
SMJ09046 International Trade Law24cp 
SMJ08111 Marketing Research24cp 
SMJ08112 Organisational Learning and Change24cp 
SMJ08113 Promotional Management24cp 
SMJ10028 International Exchange24cp 
Total 48cp