CBK90170 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives

Select 48 credit points from the following options: 48cp
MAJ08437 Accounting48cp 
MAJ08448 Advertising and Promotions Management48cp 
MAJ08439 Banking48cp 
MAJ09209 Economics48cp 
MAJ08917 e-Business48cp 
MAJ08440 Finance48cp 
MAJ08447 Financial Planning48cp 
MAJ08446 Human Resources Management48cp 
MAJ02041 Information Technology48cp 
MAJ08442 International Business48cp 
MAJ08438 Management48cp 
MAJ08441 Marketing48cp 
MAJ08445 Sport Management48cp 
MAJ08443 Tourism48cp 
SMJ08116 Financial Reporting24cp 
SMJ08117 International Accounting24cp 
SMJ08120 Small Business Accounting24cp 
SMJ08121 Banking24cp 
SMJ09028 Economics24cp 
SMJ08123 Finance24cp 
SMJ08125 Leisure Management24cp 
SMJ08126 Sport Management24cp 
SMJ08127 Tourism Management24cp 
SMJ08128 Human Resource Management24cp 
SMJ08129 International Management24cp 
SMJ08130 Management24cp 
SMJ08109 Management Consulting24cp 
SMJ08131 Advanced Advertising24cp 
SMJ08132 Advanced Marketing Research24cp 
SMJ08134 e-Business24cp 
SMJ08135 Information Management in Marketing24cp 
SMJ08136 International Marketing24cp 
SMJ08137 Advertising24cp 
SMJ08138 Marketing24cp 
SMJ08139 International Business Studies24cp 
SMJ09029 Aboriginal Studies24cp 
SMJ08141 Human Resource Development24cp 
SMJ10009 Communications24cp 
SMJ08142 Public Relations24cp 
SMJ02036 Business Information Systems24cp 
SMJ02037 Information Technology24cp 
SMJ09030 Business Law24cp 
SMJ09031 e-Commerce and Information Technology Law24cp 
SMJ09032 Foundations in Law24cp 
SMJ09033 Taxation Law24cp 
SMJ01005 Chemistry24cp 
SMJ01007 Mathematics24cp 
SMJ01025 Quantitative Management Science24cp 
SMJ01009 Statistics24cp 
SMJ09034 International Studies24cp 
SMJ09035 Language Other Than English (LOTE)24cp 
SMJ09036 Specialist Country Studies24cp 
CBK90171 Electives24cp 
SMJ08195 Management Reporting24cp 
Total 48cp