Numerical list of choice blocks
Alphabetical list of choice blocks
CBK90005 Country major choice
CBK90006 Major choice
CBK90007 Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90008 Electives
CBK90009 Business IT sub-major choice
CBK90010 No specified major
CBK90011 Electives
CBK90014 200-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies
CBK90015 300-level Disciplinary choice: Cultural Studies
CBK90016 200-level Disciplinary choice: Social, Political, Historical Studies
CBK90017 300-level Disciplinary choice: Social, Political, Historical Studies
CBK90018 200/300-level Disciplinary choice
CBK90019 200/300-level Disciplinary choice
CBK90022 200-level Professional choice: Journalism
CBK90023 300-level Professional choice: Journalism
CBK90024 200-level Professional choice: Media Arts and Production
CBK90025 300-level Professional choice: Media Arts and Production
CBK90026 200-level Professional choice: Public Communication Advertising
CBK90030 200-level Professional choice: Social Inquiry
CBK90032 300-level Professional choice: Social Inquiry Block A
CBK90033 300-level Professional choice: Social Inquiry Block B
CBK90034 200-level Professional choice: Writing
CBK90035 300-level Professional choice: Writing
CBK90036 No specified major
CBK90038 No specified major
CBK90039 Media Arts choice
CBK90040 Media Production choice
CBK90042 Options
CBK90044 Education PG subjects
CBK90045 Education PG subjects
CBK90049 Education PG subjects
CBK90050 Education PG subjects
CBK90052 Subject choice (SpecEd)
CBK90053 No specified major
CBK90054 No specified major
CBK90056 Nursing PG subjects
CBK90057 Nursing PG subjects
CBK90058 Nursing PG subjects
CBK90059 Nursing Advanced PG subjects
CBK90060 Nursing PG subjects
CBK90061 Project options
CBK90062 Nursing Professional Studies subjects
CBK90064 Nursing Professional Studies subjects
CBK90065 Nursing Professional Studies subjects
CBK90066 No specified major
CBK90067 Nursing Clinical Practice subjects
CBK90068 Nursing Clinical Studies subjects
CBK90069 Nursing Research subjects
CBK90070 Elective (Business)
CBK90073 Professional Studies subjects
CBK90074 Electives
CBK90075 Electives (Business)
CBK90076 Electives (Business, IT, Law)
CBK90078 Electives
CBK90079 Electives
CBK90080 Electives
CBK90082 Electives
CBK90083 Electives
CBK90084 Electives
CBK90085 Core subjects
CBK90097 Electives (Accounting)
CBK90098 Electives (Finance)
CBK90099 Business Management subjects
CBK90100 Business Management subjects
CBK90104 Electives
CBK90105 Electives
CBK90108 Leisure, Sport and Tourism PG subjects
CBK90116 Core subjects
CBK90117 Mathematics subjects
CBK90122 Science subjects
CBK90123 Nursing Clinical Studies subjects
CBK90124 Electives (International)
CBK90125 Biomedical Sciences Stage 4 subjects
CBK90127 Electives (Architecture)
CBK90131 Core subjects choice
CBK90132 Design Discipline subjects
CBK90133 Interior Industry subjects
CBK90134 Interior Theory and Elements subjects
CBK90135 Interior Science and Systems subjects
CBK90136 Year 2 and 3 subjects
CBK90139 Biomedical Science subjects
CBK90141 Language and Culture subject choice
CBK90142 Contemporary Society subject
CBK90145 Core subjects
CBK90146 Biomedical Science subjects
CBK90147 Electives
CBK90148 Education PG subjects
CBK90149 Science subjects
CBK90150 Business subjects
CBK90151 Electives (IT Management)
CBK90152 Visual Communications Technology subjects
CBK90154 Core subjects choice
CBK90155 Nanotechnology electives
CBK90159 Electives
CBK90161 Electives
CBK90162 Electives (Non-IT)
CBK90163 Science subjects
CBK90165 Electives (International Marketing sub-major)
CBK90166 Electives (International Business Studies sub-major)
CBK90167 Taxation Law sub-major subjects
CBK90169 Major choice
CBK90170 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90171 Electives
CBK90172 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90173 Major choice
CBK90174 Engineering major choice
CBK90175 Science major choice
CBK90176 Engineering major choice
CBK90177 Foundation subjects
CBK90178 Major choice
CBK90180 Science major choice
CBK90181 Electives (Science)
CBK90182 Electives (Science)
CBK90183 Electives (Science)
CBK90184 Electives (Science)
CBK90185 Business Information Technology major choice
CBK90186 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90187 Electives
CBK90188 Electives
CBK90189 Electives
CBK90190 Electives
CBK90191 Electives
CBK90192 Electives
CBK90193 Electives
CBK90194 Electives (Tsinghua)
CBK90195 Electives
CBK90200 Electives
CBK90206 Electives
CBK90207 Electives
CBK90208 Electives
CBK90209 Electives
CBK90210 Electives
CBK90211 Electives
CBK90214 Major/Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90216 Electives
CBK90217 Specialisation choice
CBK90218 Electives
CBK90219 Electives
CBK90221 No specified major
CBK90222 Mathematics major choice
CBK90223 Science major choice
CBK90224 Science major choice
CBK90225 Core subjects choice
CBK90226 Specialist option choice
CBK90227 Elective
CBK90228 Electives
CBK90230 Elective
CBK90231 Electives (International Studies)
CBK90232 Electives (Science UG)
CBK90234 Electives (Cultural Studies)
CBK90235 Major choice
CBK90236 Electives (Journalism)
CBK90237 Journalism subjects
CBK90238 Electives (Media Production)
CBK90239 400-level Media Arts subjects
CBK90240 Electives (Media Production)
CBK90241 Electives (Sound)
CBK90242 Sub-major/Electives (Design)
CBK90244 Sub-major/Electives
CBK90246 Electives
CBK90247 Sub-major choice
CBK90248 Major choice
CBK90249 Sub-major/Electives
CBK90250 Electives (Humanities and Social Sciences)
CBK90251 Electives
CBK90252 Electives (Media Arts and Production)
CBK90253 Electives (Journalism)
CBK90254 Dissertation/In-country Study
CBK90255 New Media
CBK90256 400-level Media Arts subjects
CBK90257 Media Production subjects
CBK90258 Media Arts subjects
CBK90259 Electives (New Media)
CBK90260 Writing subjects
CBK90261 Electives (Information and Knowledge Management)
CBK90262 Electives (Information and Knowledge Management)
CBK90263 100-level Design Studies PG subjects
CBK90264 Biomedical Science Stage 5 subjects
CBK90265 Language, Literacy and Numeracy subjects
CBK90266 Language, Literacy and Numeracy subjects
CBK90267 Language, Literacy and Numeracy subjects
CBK90268 Major choice (Creative Arts)
CBK90269 Language, Literacy and Numeracy subjects
CBK90270 Major choice
CBK90271 Specialisation choice
CBK90272 Major choice
CBK90273 Electives
CBK90274 Media Arts subjects
CBK90275 Advanced Visual Communications Technology subjects
CBK90276 Biomedical Science options: Group 1
CBK90277 Biomedical Science options: Group 2
CBK90278 Electives
CBK90279 Sub-major elective choice
CBK90280 Specialisation choice
CBK90283 Law PG options
CBK90284 Sub-major/Electives
CBK90285 Law PG options
CBK90286 Design Expertise major/Electives PG
CBK90287 Design Expertise major choice
CBK90288 Elective/Design PG subjects
CBK90289 Design PG subjects
CBK90290 Electives
CBK90291 Electives
CBK90292 Design PG subjects
CBK90293 Electives/Design PG subjects
CBK90295 Project/Option
CBK90296 Project Management PG subjects
CBK90297 Project/Options (Facility Management)
CBK90298 Electives
CBK90299 Electives (Business PG)
CBK90300 Electives (Law)
CBK90302 Electives (Interactive Multimedia)
CBK90303 Electives (Interactive Multimedia)
CBK90304 Electives
CBK90305 Electives
CBK90306 Facility Management subjects
CBK90307 Property PG subjects
CBK90308 Property Development subjects
CBK90309 Property PG options
CBK90310 e-Learning choice
CBK90311 Electives
CBK90312 Core subjects
CBK90313 Electives (Journalism)
CBK90314 Electives (Media Arts and Production)
CBK90315 Electives (Social Inquiry)
CBK90316 Electives (Public Communication)
CBK90317 Electives (Writing and Cultural Studies)
CBK90318 Electives (Information Management)
CBK90319 Generic Education subject choice
CBK90321 Electives
CBK90322 Electives
CBK90323 No specified major
CBK90324 Two sub-majors/Sub-major + four electives
CBK90325 Electives
CBK90326 Options
CBK90327 Major (Law) subjects choice
CBK90328 Group B subjects choice
CBK90329 Major choice
CBK90330 Major choice
CBK90331 Group A subjects choice
CBK90332 Major choice
CBK90333 Electives
CBK90334 Specialisation choice
CBK90335 Electives
CBK90336 Specialisation choice
CBK90338 Electives
CBK90339 Electives (Adult Education)
CBK90340 Generic Adult Education subject choice
CBK90341 Electives (Adult Education)
CBK90342 Community choice
CBK90345 Electives
CBK90346 Masters option
CBK90347 Masters option with project
CBK90348 Electives
CBK90350 Electives
CBK90351 Writing streams
CBK90352 Electives
CBK90353 Nursing sub-major choice
CBK90354 Major core subject choice
CBK90355 Major core subject choice
CBK90356 Major core subject choice
CBK90357 Major subject choice
CBK90358 Major subject choice
CBK90359 Core subject choice (Group A)
CBK90360 Electives choice (Group B)
CBK90361 Software option
CBK90362 Digital Electronics option
CBK90363 Embedded Systems option
CBK90364 Signals option
CBK90365 Networks option
CBK90366 ICT choice
CBK90367 ICT choice
CBK90368 ICT choice
CBK90401 Design Practice PG subjects
CBK90402 Design Studies PG subjects
CBK90403 Visual Communications options
CBK90404 Interior Design options
CBK90405 Industrial Design options
CBK90406 Fashion and Textiles options
CBK90433 Communication Studies choice
CBK90435 Human Resource Development choice
CBK90436 Sub-major choice
CBK90437 Options/PLT
CBK90438 Elective
CBK90439 Clinical Practice major choice
CBK90440 Alternative to Project
CBK90443 Major choice
CBK90444 Electives
CBK90445 Electives
CBK90446 Electives
CBK90447 MAP Project options
CBK90448 Electives
CBK90449 Electives
CBK90450 Electives
CBK90451 Professional choice: Public Communication
CBK90452 Electives
CBK90453 Electives
CBK90454 Innovation choice
CBK90455 Electives (Mathematics)
CBK90456 Electives (Statistics)
CBK90457 Electives (Operations Research)
CBK90458 Electives
CBK90460 Engineering choice
CBK90462 Electives
CBK90463 Animation Project choice
CBK90464 Animation subjects choice
CBK90465 Internetworking choice
CBK90466 Electives
CBK90467 Electives
CBK90468 Engineering choice
CBK90470 Engineering choice
CBK90471 Innovation choice
CBK90472 No specified major
CBK90473 No specified major
CBK90474 Elective
CBK90475 Capstone Project
CBK90476 Internetworking choice
CBK90477 Internetworking choice
CBK90478 Computer Control choice
CBK90479 Computer Systems choice
CBK90480 Chinese Language and Culture
CBK90481 Japanese Language and Culture
CBK90482 Indonesian Language and Culture
CBK90483 French Language and Culture
CBK90484 Spanish Language and Culture
CBK90485 German Language and Culture
CBK90486 Italian Language and Culture
CBK90487 Chinese Language and Culture
CBK90488 Japanese Language and Culture
CBK90489 Indonesian Language and Culture
CBK90490 French Language and Culture
CBK90491 Spanish Language and Culture
CBK90492 German Language and Culture
CBK90493 Italian Language and Culture
CBK90494 Chinese Language and Culture
CBK90495 Japanese Language and Culture
CBK90496 Indonesian Language and Culture
CBK90497 French Language and Culture
CBK90498 Spanish Language and Culture
CBK90499 German Language and Culture
CBK90500 Italian Language and Culture
CBK90501 Legal Studies major choice
CBK90502 Electives
CBK90503 No specified major
CBK90504 New Media choice
CBK90505 Media Production choice
CBK90506 Media Arts and Production streams choice
CBK90507 Options (Law)
CBK90508 Clinical sub-major/Four electives
CBK90509 Electives
CBK90510 Electives
CBK90511 Electives
CBK90512 Electives sub-major/Four electives
CBK90513 Electives sub-major/Four electives
CBK90514 Electives
CBK90515 Electives
CBK90516 Electives
CBK90517 Electives
CBK90518 Electives
CBK90519 Information and Knowledge Management choice
CBK90520 Electives
CBK90521 Electives
CBK90522 Electives (Legal Studies)
CBK90523 Options (Legal Studies)
CBK90524 Teaching Discipline Contents
CBK90525 Electives (TAFE Articulation)
CBK90531 Computer Systems choice
CBK90532 Elective
CBK90533 Electives (Environmental Biology)
CBK90534 Electives (Medical Science)
CBK90535 Electives
CBK90536 Finance
CBK90537 Economics
CBK90538 Electives (Molecular Biology)
CBK90539 Electives (Medical Microbiology)
CBK90540 Electives (Pharmacology)
CBK90541 Options
CBK90545 Major choice
CBK90546 Options
CBK90547 Options
CBK90548 Options
CBK90549 Options
CBK90550 Options (Human Resource Development major)
CBK90551 Options (Language Literacy and Numeracy major)
CBK90552 Options (Vocational Education major)
CBK90553 Options
CBK90554 Options Management
CBK90557 Major choice
CBK90558 Options
CBK90559 Options
CBK90560 Development Assessment core choice
CBK90561 Development Assessment elective choice
CBK90562 Electives
CBK90563 Masters option (Information Management)
CBK90564 Electives
CBK90565 Masters option (Knowledge Management)
CBK90571 Electives
CBK90587 Options
CBK90588 Options
CBK90591 Options or Practical Legal Training
CBK90592 Options
CBK90593 Options
CBK90741 Nursing PG subjects
CBK90742 Professional Studies choice
CBK90743 Electives
CBK90744 Electives
CBK90745 200/300-level Disciplinary choice
CBK90746 Mobile Computing Network choice
CBK90747 Internetworking choice
CBK90750 Elective choice
CBK90751 Capstone (International Business)
CBK90752 Elective (International Business)
CBK90753 Electives
CBK90754 Electives
CBK90755 Electives
CBK90756 Electives
CBK90757 Electives
CBK90758 Electives
CBK90759 Electives
CBK90760 Electives (Business)
CBK90761 Electives
CBK90762 Electives
CBK90765 Electives
CBK90766 Electives (Tourism)
CBK90767 Electives (Business)
CBK90768 Options
CBK90769 Options
CBK90770 Options
CBK90771 Electives
CBK90772 Games Development options
CBK90773 Design Expertise electives
CBK90774 Business subjects
CBK90775 Major choice
CBK90777 Options
CBK90778 Design Studies Year 2
CBK90779 Design Studies Year 4
CBK90780 Recognition of prior learning TAFE
CBK90781 Major choice
CBK90782 Major/Two sub-majors/Electives
CBK90783 Electives
CBK90784 Electives
CBK90785 Electives
CBK90786 Electives
CBK90787 Electives
CBK90788 Options
CBK90789 Major choice
CBK90790 Major choice
CBK90791 Electives (Business or Law)
CBK90792 Electives (Business or Law)
CBK90793 Stream choice
CBK90802 IT Graduate choice
CBK90803 Choice
CBK90804 Choice
CBK90805 Choice