CBK90127 Electives (Architecture)

Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
11271 Designing with Wood and Wood Composites6cp 
11272 Designing with Landscape Elements6cp 
11281 Evolution of Human Settlement6cp 
11282 Advanced Building Systems6cp 
11283 Access in Large Scale Buildings6cp 
11284 Sustainable Architecture6cp 
11285 Advanced Modelmaking6cp 
11286 Design and Construction of Earth Buildings6cp 
11287 Islamic Architecture 630-17006cp 
11288 Themes in American Architecture 1870-19406cp 
11289 The Typology of Timber Buildings6cp 
11290 Resonant Vibration of Built Fabric6cp 
11291 Freehand Illustration6cp 
11292 Planning Suburbia: Past, Present and Future6cp 
11293 Adaptive Reuse of Historic Buildings6cp 
11294 Architectural Experience A6cp 
11295 Architectural Experience B6cp 
11296 Architectural Experience C6cp 
11297 Architectural Experience D6cp 
11299 Architectural Structure and Environmental Science6cp 
11301 Fine Houses of Europe and America6cp 
11302 Domestic Architecture in NSW During the Federation Period6cp 
11303 Public Room/Public Space6cp 
11304 House and Housing6cp 
11305 Architecture Study Tour: Special Topics6cp 
11310 Critical Theory6cp 
11311 Drawing to Diagrams: Topics in Architectural Theory6cp 
11361 Special Project (Theory)6cp 
11362 Special Project (Technology)6cp 
11363 Special Project (Communications)6cp 
11364 Special Project (Design)6cp 
11365 Special Project (Offshore)6cp 
11306 The Operative Figure in Architecture6cp 
11307 Architecture Special Project6cp 
11308 Reading and Writing Architectural Criticism6cp 
11309 Architecture, Cinema and Representation6cp 
11312 Modern Western Aesthetics6cp 
11313 Exploring Space 1: from Simple Beginnings to Baudrillard6cp 
11512 Architecture Competition Project6cp 
Total 24cp