CBK90438 Elective

Select 36 credit points from the following options: 36cp
020704 Studio Practice in Visual Arts6cp 
021702 Current Issues and Applications in Educational Computing6cp 
022601 Learning Beyond the Classroom6cp 
022603 Teaching Across the Curriculum6cp 
023505 Educational Research6cp 
024705 Children's Literature and Multi-literacies: Teaching Critical, Cultural, Visual and Digital Literacies through Childrens Books6cp 
024713 Teaching English to International Students6cp 
026702 Music and Society6cp 
020412 Art Study 2: A Sense of Place6cp 
024422 Children's Theatre and Creative Arts Study 2: Acting and Performing Skills - Genres for Children6cp 
024411 English Study 1: Shapes and Patterns in Literary Narrative from Sendak to Shakespeare6cp 
022203 HSIE Study 2: Conflicts and Resolutions6cp 
026412 Music Study 26cp 
027411 PDHPE Study 1: Theory and Practice of Personal Development Health and Physical Education and Support6cp 
028412 Science and Technology Study 2: Science and Technology in Daily Life6cp 
020705 Educational Drama6cp 
022204 HSIE Study 3: Multicultural Australia in its Asia-Pacific Regional Context, Implications for Teaching6cp 
024414 English Study 4: Cultural and Textual Cross-currents6cp 
024423 Children's Theatre and Creative Arts Study 3: Production and Direction6cp 
020413 Art Study 3: Stories, Myths and Truth6cp 
021412 Educational Computing Study 26cp 
023821 Special Education 1: Managing Challenging Behaviours6cp 
023822 Special Education 2: Preventing and Remediating Difficulties in Reading and Spelling6cp 
023823 Special Education 3: Educating Students who have Difficulties with Written Text6cp 
023824 Special Education 4: Numeracy Instruction for Students with Learning Difficulties and Disabilities6cp 
023825 Special Education 5: Educating Students with Moderate and High Support Needs6cp 
023826 Special Education 6: Educating Students with Delayed or Disordered Communication6cp 
022602 Independent Study6cp 
029704 Initiatives and Innovations in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Education6cp 
020705 Educational Drama6cp 
013218 Studio Practice: Painting6cp 
013219 Studio Practice: Ceramics6cp 
023412 Education Study 2: Moral Development6cp 
Total 36cp