CBK90473 No specified major

This study package allows candidates to tailor their own program of study in various ways such as:

  • combining technical subjects from two or more major areas
  • combining fewer than the required minimum number of technical major subjects and a number of engineering management subjects
  • combining any postgraduate and/or approved undergraduate engineering subjects and/or approved subjects from other UTS faculties or other engineering faculties from other academic institutions in a coherent and logical form based around some type of theme.

A program of subjects is normally identified prior to enrolment, in consultation with one or more academic members of staff, and approved by the Director of PG coursework programs.

This study package also requires the completion of a graduate project which is also consistent with the 'theme' alluded to in the text above.

Completion requirements

Select 24 credit points from the following options: 24cp
Any subject in the range 49000 to 49999  
Total 24cp