CBK90211 Electives

Select 18 credit points from the following options: 18cp
24700 Promotion and Advertising Overseas6cp 
24706 Services Marketing6cp 
24707 Business to Business Marketing6cp 
24713 Sales Management6cp 
24714 Marketing Creativity6cp 
24715 Strategic Marketing for e-Business6cp 
24736 Marketing Communications6cp 
24738 International Marketing Management6cp 
77948 Marketing Legislation in Australia6cp 
24742 New Product Management6cp 
24743 Contemporary Issues in International Marketing6cp 
24744 Competitive International Marketing Strategy6cp 
24750 Marketing Decision Analysis6cp 
24792 Business and Culture in the Asia-Pacific6cp 
CBK90209 Electives6cp 
24737 e-Business Marketing6cp 
24747 Customer Relationship Management6cp 
Total 18cp