Select 24 credit points from the following options: | | 24cp |
31005 Data Mining Algorithms | 6cp | |
31030 Project | 6cp | |
31077 Software Engineering Fundamentals | 6cp | |
31080 Digital Multimedia | 6cp | |
31097 IT Operations Management | 6cp | |
31099 Distributed Database Programming and Administration | 6cp | |
31100 Enterprise Development with the .NET Framework | 6cp | |
31241 3D Computer Animation | 6cp | |
31242 Advanced Internet Programming | 6cp | |
31243 Analytics Project | 6cp | |
31246 Network Design | 6cp | |
31248 Computer Graphics Project | 6cp | |
31249 Computer Graphics Rendering Techniques | 6cp | |
31250 Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery | 6cp | |
31251 Data Structures and Algorithms | 6cp | |
31252 Network Security | 6cp | |
31253 Database Programming | 6cp | |
31254 e-Commerce | 6cp | |
31255 Finance and IT | 6cp | |
31256 Image Processing and Pattern Recognition | 6cp | |
31257 Information System Development Methodologies | 6cp | |
31258 Innovations for Global Relationship Management | 6cp | |
31259 Intelligent Agents in Java | 6cp | |
31260 Interface Design | 6cp | |
31261 Internetworking Project | 6cp | |
31262 Introduction to Computer Game Design | 6cp | |
31263 Introduction to Computer Game Programming | 6cp | |
31264 Introduction to Computer Graphics | 6cp | |
31274 Network Management | 6cp | |
31275 Mobile Networking | 6cp | |
31276 Networked Enterprise Architecture | 6cp | |
31277 Routing and Internetworks | 6cp | |
31278 Software Architecture | 6cp | |
31280 Strategic IT Project | 6cp | |
31282 Systems Testing and Quality Management | 6cp | |
31283 WANs and Virtual LANs | 6cp | |
31284 Web Services Development | 6cp | |
31285 Mobile Programming | 6cp | |
31335 Extreme Programming | 6cp | |
31338 Network Servers | 6cp | |
31777 Human-Computer Interaction | 6cp | |
31860 Object-oriented Programming and C++ | 6cp | |
31927 Application Development with Visual Basic .NET | 6cp | |
70105 Legal Research | 4cp | |
70113 Legal Process and History | 10cp | |
79010 Insolvency and Administration | 6cp | |
79011 Law for Marketing Management | 6cp | |
79012 Securities Market Regulation | 6cp | |
79013 Industrial and Labour Law | 6cp | |
79014 Applied Company Law | 6cp | |
79015 Banking Law | 6cp | |
79016 Advanced Companies and Securities Law | 6cp | |
79017 Taxation Law | 6cp | |
79018 Advanced Commercial Law | 6cp | |
79019 Corporate Environmental Responsibility | 6cp | |
79021 International Aspects of Australian Taxation Law | 6cp | |
79022 GST and other Indirect Taxes | 6cp | |
79023 Environmental Forensic Law | 6cp | |
79024 Complex Forensic Cases (Law for Chemistry) | 6cp | |
79026 Estate Planning (UG) | 6cp | |
79027 Retirement Planning (UG) | 6cp | |
79102 Law and The Digital Economy | 6cp | |
79203 Business Law and Ethics | 6cp | |
79371 Legal Issues in Communications | 6cp | |
79603 International Business Law and Regulation | 6cp | |
79606 Advanced Taxation Law | 6cp | |
Total | | 24cp |