Requisite(s): 48321 Statics OR 48620 Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering
Fields of practice: Civil Engineering program
Subject coordinator: Rezaul Karim
The objectives of this subject are to enable students to: acquire a fundamental understanding of the behaviour of structural components commonly used in engineered structures and machines; and develop skills to help them model and analyse the behaviour of structural and machine components subjected to various loading and support conditions based on principles of equilibrium and material constitutional relationships.
Content includes: pure bending of beams – flexural stress and strain, calculation of beam loads; shear flow and shear stresses in beams – distribution of shear stresses in beam sections, forces and stresses in shear connectors; composite beams – composite short columns; slope and deflection of simple beams; column buckling – Euler's equation, end conditions and effective length, combined axial and bending stresses for short columns; torsion of circular shafts, thin-walled closed sections and solid rectangular sections; transformation of plane stresses – Mohr's circle of plane stresses, principal stresses and planes; inelastic bending – stress resultants, yield moment and ultimate moment capacity of elastoplastic sections, elastic and plastic section modulus, plastic hinges; product of inertia, principal axes and principal moments of inertia; unsymmetric bending; combined stresses due to axial force, shear force, bending moments and twisting moment; shear centre; transformation of plane strains – measurement of strains, strain rosette, relationship between elastic modulus, shear modulus and Poisson's ratio.
Assessment: Typically assessment in this subject will involve class participation, regular assignments, quizzes and final examination.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus