Requisite(s): 48441 Introductory Digital Systems
Fields of practice: Computer Systems Engineering program
Subject coordinator: Dr KK Fung
The subject has two major components: (i) analysis/design, and (ii) implementation, of an advanced computing node. The components are integrated and are each worth 50 per cent of the subject mark.
The subject provides an in-depth understanding of the analysis/design and implementation of advanced digital hardware at medium scale computer system building block level. It builds on the basics of 48441 Introductory Digital Systems introduced in the earlier fields of practice subject.
Topics include: digital design process, functional design, implementation technologies, advanced computer architectures, and memory and I/O systems. It emphasises computer-aided design, including the use of VHDL specification, simulation and programmable VLSI implementation technologies.
Assessment: This subject is assessed through a combination of assignments and a final exam.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Hong Kong
Spring semester, Hong Kong
Summer session, Hong Kong
Winter session, Hong Kong