Requisite(s): 60101 Chemistry and Materials Science
Fields of practice: Civil Engineering program
Subject coordinator: Ravi Ravindrarajah
Civil engineering embodies professionals who design, construct, maintain, inspect and manage public work projects. The common materials used in civil engineering applications or in construction are timber, concrete, bitumen, masonry, and reinforcing and structural steel. It is essential for civil engineers to have a basic understanding of these construction materials, in relation to their production, properties, testing and application. The main objectives of this subject are to help students acquire fundamental knowledge on the production, physical and engineering properties of construction materials; understand the effects of environments on the properties and performance of these materials; familiarise themselves with the relevant Australian and other specifications and standards, in relation to the requirements and testing methods and interpretation of test results; improve analytical and communication skills by presenting test reports; select material in relation to specified requirements; and develop awareness of the use of waste materials in construction.
Topics include: requirements, selection and standards of construction materials; steel – production, forms, grades, mechanical properties and testing; road making materials – production, properties and testing; cement and other binders – production, types, composition, properties and testing; waste materials for construction – fly ash, recycled concrete, slag, and others; aggregate – classification, properties and testing; admixtures – types and effects on concrete properties; concrete – uses, mix design, properties and testing of fresh and hardened concrete; masonry units, mortar, grout and plaster; and environmental degradation of construction materials including fire attack.
Assessment: Typically assessment in this subject involves laboratory reports, mid-semester examination and final examination.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Hong Kong
Spring semester, Hong Kong
Summer session, Hong Kong
Winter session, Hong Kong