Students in this subject gain a sound working knowledge of the Australian legal and constitutional environment including the Western legal tradition, the place of common law in that system and the ramifications of living under a Westminster parliamentary system as well as a federal system. The skills of case analysis, statutory interpretation, legal problem solving and critical analysis – which are essential to the study and practice of the law – are also introduced in this subject.
Students begin their inquiry by considering what is law, who makes law, and how and why the law has developed in the way that it has. They then examine the institutions that make up our legal system – the legislature, the Crown and the executive, the courts and the 'legal players' (the judge, the jury and the legal practitioners) – and explore the principles and doctrines that underpin our legal system.
Against the background of this learning students then consider why our legal system is different from some of our regional neighbours and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the common law legal system.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus