Requisite(s): 85502 Researching Design History AND 85503 Researching Design Processes AND 85701 Research Based Designing
Good designing necessarily involves research. Design research ranges from that which addresses issues of general concern within the field of design, to that which is particular to a proposed design project. Much design research belongs somewhere between these two objectives, serving both to further the general understanding of the designer and to inform a particular design.
Through the design studies subjects completed in years one, two and three of their degree program, all students have been introduced to a range of design research methods. These include strategies for research about design, research for design, and research through design. In this final year subject they draw upon these methods to construct a research program that informs and inspires the conceptualisation process for their major design project. In this subject it is intended that research and conceptualisation go hand in hand. This research and conceptualisation process is undertaken independently, mentored by a supervising member of academic staff. Students are expected to display initiative in developing and pursuing their project, and to demonstrate their capacity to arrive at understandings that can significantly enhance the sophistication with which they approach their major design project.