This subject introduces students to the Bachelor of Nursing program by providing an overview of each year of the program and by highlighting the integration between subject content and yearly student profiles. As the intention of the Bachelor of Nursing is to prepare students for practice, acticulation of the program defines the discipline of nursing and illustrates present and future nursing roles in society. This subject explores the forces that have shaped, and continue to shape, the practice and image of nursing, and introduces students to the organisation and structure of the Australian health care system and nursing work within this system. Understandings of social equity and health care, and the meaning of health, illness, hospitalisation and/or institutionalisation for the individual in a culturally diverse society are introduced. This subject traces the rich history of nursing to the present day where nurses are now positioned at the forefront of health care delivery. The fundamental literacy and cognitive skills that underpin clinical judgement and professionalism are developed concurrently with other subject content.
Autumn semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Kuring-gai campus