Requisite(s): (92236 Foundations of Mental Health Nursing OR 92239 Foundations of Children's Nursing)) AND ((92191 Adult Nursing: Cardiovascular AND 92192 Adult Nursing: Respiratory AND 92194 Adult Nursing: Renal and Reproductive AND 92195 Adult Nursing: GIT and Orthopaedic AND (91533 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 3 OR 91534 Fundamentals of Pathophysiology 4) AND (92238 Adult Nursing: Cellular Alterations OR 92248 Adult Nursing: Neuro-endocrine)) OR ((99636 Essentials of Pathophysiology OR 91604 Introductory Pharmacology and Microbiology) AND (92261 Adult Nursing: Medical OR 92262 Adult Nursing: Surgical))
This clinical elective has been designed to enable students to gain theoretical knowledge to support clinical nursing practice in the critical care setting, i.e. intensive care, emergency and high dependency units. Through this experience, students have the opportunity to further develop their expertise in patient assessment, complex nursing skills and clinical decision making, which offers invaluable support for future practice in any area of nursing.
Spring semester, Kuring-gai campus