This subject requires that the student demonstrate self-directed learning, in the pursuit of a project of their own choice, or one offered by the program. Advice from an academic supervisor assists the student to select, refine, and complete their particular project. The subject is only available to students who are capable of undertaking independent study, and students intending to take the subject must gain approval and agreement from an academic supervisor, and the program director, prior to enrolment. The number, nature, and timing of the assessment items is normally negotiated between the supervisor and the student, and administered via learning contract. This flexible learning approach allows for the student to examine an area of special interest in detail, and to independently explore beyond a basic level of understanding of the selected subject matter. Projects may respond to special conditions within the program, the faculty, the community, or contemporary architectural practice. The range of projects is limited only by the capacity of the program and the academic supervisor to provide appropriate support to the student and to facilitate optimum study conditions.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Summer session, City campus
Winter session, City campus