Requisite(s): 50117 Media Arts and Production 2 OR 50248 Media Arts and Production 2
Professional Strand – Media Arts and Production – 200 level
This subject develops ideas and concepts introduced in the prerequisite subjects, and is a further exploration of the creative challenges and technical demands of making film and video. Students extend their understanding of the craft skills required for professional film and video production through a series of introductory seminars, in-class and out-of-class exercises and practical workshops. These craft skills include cinematography, editing, production design, directing, sound recording, and production management. The subject also introduces students to 16 mm filmmaking and exercises are designed to take students through the technical and conceptual issues involved in realising an idea in the medium of 16 mm film. Film and Video Production stresses the importance of collaboration in professional film and video production and students learn skills that help them to be effective crew members and work as part of a creative team. It enables students to develop production skills as a basis for future film and video projects.
Autumn semester, City campus