This subject examines the communication and information environments in which Australians live and shows how present structures of communication and information have arisen out of earlier forms. It takes a broad and inclusive approach to the definition of communication and information, and discusses the evolution of the terms and the diverse ways they are currently deployed. The subject first looks at the historical background to modern forms of communication and information, and then examines the political economy of their production and circulation (how are communication and information products produced, in what organisational and economic contexts, and for what purposes?). Lastly the subject deals with some current controversies and issues in the field of communication and information and introduces some conceptual apparatuses useful for analysing them. The Australian situation is placed in its international context, and in reference to the changing roles of digital technologies, public and private sector production/distribution and the role of governments.
Autumn semester, City campus
Students completing this subject as an 8cp elective enrol in 50226 Communication and Information Environments.