Requisite(s): 48640 Machine Dynamics
Fields of practice: Mechanical Engineering program
Subject coordinator: Dr Nong Zhang
The objectives of this subject are to: develop an understanding of the behaviour of linear (or approximately linear) dynamic systems typically encountered in the practice of mechanical engineering and process engineering; and gain an understanding of how such systems can be controlled, or have their dynamics altered, so as to achieve desired outcomes.
Topics include: modelling of dynamic systems governed by linear ordinary differential equations of arbitrary order; transient response, frequency response, damped oscillations, neutral stability, instability; investigation of commonly occurring nonlinearities and the simulation of them; application of the above concepts to analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom vibrating systems; application of the above concepts to the control of dynamic systems by negative feedback; the design of controllers using integral, proportional and derivative actions; and data sampling and computer-based control.
Assessment: Typically assessment for this subject involves assignments, laboratory work and examinations.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Hong Kong
Spring semester, Hong Kong
Summer session, Hong Kong
Winter session, Hong Kong