Requisite(s): (48260 Engineering Project Management OR 16912 Construction Project Management 1) AND (48142 Engineering Practice Review 2 OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10061 Bachelor of Engineering Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10062 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Arts in International Studies Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10063 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Arts in International Studies OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10065 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10067 Bachelor of Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10068 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10073 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10074 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10075 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10076 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10078 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Biotechnology OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10079 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Biotechnology Diploma in Engineering Practice OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10080 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10084 Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10085 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10086 Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunications Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10087 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10088 Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering OR 144 credit points of completed study in C10091 Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering)
Subject coordinator: Robert Jarman, Peter Lewis
Objectives of the Capstone Project are: to bring together and integrate knowledge and skills gained in the course as a whole, including engineering principles, planning and design, ethics, management and communication, and to apply these to an initially unstructured problem formulated by each student in consultation with an adviser; to reinforce and develop competencies that have not been sufficiently emphasised in the student's choice of subjects or engineering practice to date; to define a substantial engineering study or design task, place it in context and carry it to completion within a specified time and to a professional standard; to complete a comprehensive written and bound report that places the project in context, defines its objectives and describes the work done and the resulting conclusions or recommendations; to provide a bridge to the student's professional future, and the opportunity to demonstrate professional competencies and capabilities; and to provide scope to demonstrate initiative and creativity, and take pride in achievement.
Each student is required to undertake a substantial engineering project, normally during their final year of study, and to prepare a formal report describing the work performed and the resulting conclusions and recommendations. The work is planned and carried out under the supervision of a member of academic staff. Both the work and the report must meet professional engineering standards. The project may be in any area of engineering. Students may choose a topic relating to their experience in engineering practice, or an area of interest which they wish to study in detail. Typical projects might take any of the following forms: literature review – a study of the available literature and a state-of-the-art appraisal of an area of engineering; design – the complete design of a substantial engineering artefact or system; experimental investigation – a comprehensive laboratory investigation or testing program; research and development – original research of a fundamental or applied nature, or development of a new application of a particular technology; computer-based analysis – development or use of computer software to study the behaviour of an engineering solution; project management – planning and management of a substantial engineering project, normally in a workplace, business or community context, combining technical and management skills; impact analysis, planning, system design – study and analysis of an engineering solution in its economic, social and environmental context, integrating the engineering dimension with cross-disciplinary interfaces, and optimising overall system design, normally interactive with other professions.
Assessment: Generally speaking, project assessment is based on an evaluation of how well the student has worked through the semester and the formally submitted project document. Students are required to nominate whether they intend applying for D/HD status for their project. In those circumstances, they are also required to provide a poster and do a seminar presentation.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus
Autumn semester, Hong Kong
Spring semester, Hong Kong
Summer session, Hong Kong
Winter session, Hong Kong