Information for students
Faculty structure
Teaching strategies
International exchange
Design, Architecture and Building is located on City campus, Broadway, in the Peter Johnson Building (Building 6) on Harris Street.
Location, contacts and inquiries
The Student Centres provide administration services, information and advice to students.
Students studying within the Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building can submit inquiries through the Student Centres in Buildings 5 and 10.
Building 5, Haymarket
Block C, Level 1
Cnr Quay St and Ultimo Rd
Haymarket, NSW 2007
Building 10, Broadway
Level 2, 235 Jones St
Ultimo, NSW 2007
Opening hours and contacts
Monday–Friday, 9.00am –5.00pm
First week of formal classes for Autumn/Spring sessions, Monday–Friday, 8.30am–6.30pm
telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
Postal address
Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building
PO Box 123
Broadway NSW 2007
Inherent Requirements
UTS strongly supports the right of all people who wish to undertake a course at the University to pursue their goals and achieve their personal potential. We welcome prospective students with disabilities, and students from diverse social, economic and cultural backgrounds.
An inherent requirement is an academic or non-academic requirement that is inherent in or essential to the successful completion of a course. Inherent requirements statements have been developed for UTS courses to assist prospective and current students to make informed decisions about their study, and to facilitate productive and transparent discussions about career choices.
Faculty structure
The Faculty of Design, Architecture and Building consists of three schools that manage both undergraduate and postgraduate coursework degrees: the School of Design; the School of Architecture; and the School of Built Environment.
Design, Architecture and Building has a research culture that respects distinct intellectual areas while encouraging internal and external research partnerships.
Teaching strategies
Design, Architecture and Building is committed to the creation of a learning environment where:
- students are motivated to want to learn
- students learn both in groups and independently
- students learn using a combination of theoretical and practical applications
- students adopt a scholarly approach to their studies
- students emulate practice
- students engage with the community
- students learn from feedback on exams, assignments and general performance, and
- research and writing skills are promoted.
Design, Architecture and Building has state-of-the-art facilities including:
- a digital architecture studio and lab exclusively for Master of Architecture students, with high-end 3D printers and laser-cutter
- an interactivation studio to research the interaction between people and technology
- fashion workshops and studios for the design and construction of garments
- a textile print workshop which consists of a dye lab, a print area with two large print tables, transfer press and heat setter, a screen exposure room, a screen wash area, a drying area and a coating area
- a moving image video production studio
- a fabrication workshop for metalworking, woodworking, general use, plastics, welding, spray painting, materials storage, tool storage and a 3D printer
- a professional-standard photomedia studio for small, medium and large formats, black and white as well as colour film processing and printing, lighting, backdrops, colour-calibrated monitors, pre-press computers and darkrooms
- six state-of-the-art computing labs featuring an on-site digital image service for printing
- a digital workshop featuring 3D printers, laser-cutter and a 3D scanner
- an animation hub comprising two animation computing labs, a render farm, a 3D scanner and motion capture (MoCap) laboratory with a Vicon optical system to capture human movement by a series of cameras and then encode the results as digital data – these data allow animators to produce characters with lifelike movement
- sense-aware research lab which enables interaction design using natural experiences such as physical motion, gesture, tangible device manipulation, e-fashion wear and smart products
- immersive construction environments (ICE) studio which integrates research and teaching applications of 3D simulations for the built environment and includes a rear-projection system for 3D imaging and video
- UTS Gallery, which is a dedicated public gallery, presenting a rich and varied program of high quality exhibitions, educational activities and special events that make a significant contribution to the cultural life of UTS and the wider community of Sydney.
Design, Architecture and Building is home to several research centres.
International exchange
Being an exchange student provides the opportunity to study and travel overseas, to experience and learn from the perspectives of other cultures, and to develop alternative ways of thinking and a new approach to learning.
Design, Architecture and Building has exchange agreements with the following universities:
- Austria-Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien
- Austria-Leopold-Franzens-Universität Innsbruck
- Canada-Ryerson University
- China-City University of Hong Kong
- China-University of Nottingham Ningbo, China
- China-The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
- China-Tongji University
- Denmark-Aalborg Universitet
- Denmark-Arkitektskolen i Aarhus
- France-Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture de Toulouse
- Germany-Bauhaus-Universität Weimar
- Germany-Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin
- Germany-Technische Universität Berlin
- Germany-Technische Universität München
- Hungary-Budapesti M?szaki és Gazdaságtudományi Egyetem
- Italy-Politecnico di Milano
- Italy-Politecnico di Torino
- Korea, Republic of-Yonsei University
- Malaysia-Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)
- Malaysia-Taylor's University
- Netherlands-Technische Universiteit Delft
- Netherlands-Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
- Portugal-Universidade do Porto
- Spain-IE Universidad
- Spain-Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Thailand-King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi
- United Kingdom-Regent’s University London
- United Kingdom-University of Westminster
- United Kingdom-University for the Creative Arts
- United Kingdom-Nottingham Trent University
- United Kingdom-Cardiff University
- United Kingdom-University of Kent
- United Kingdom-University of Strathclyde
- United States-University of Arizona
- United States-University of Hawaii at Manoa
- United States-San Diego State University
- United States-San Francisco State University