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C10123v6 Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies

Award(s): Bachelor of Nursing (BN)
Bachelor of Arts in International Studies (BA)

UAC code: 609150
CRICOS code: 026198M
Commonwealth supported place?: Yes
Load credit points: 240
Course EFTSL: 5
Location: City campus


Students admitted to the Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies before 2010 should refer to the course description in the 2009 handbook.

Career options
Admission requirements
Assumed knowledge
External articulation
Course duration and attendance
Course structure
Course completion requirements
Course program
Professional recognition
Other information


The Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Arts in International Studies combines preparation for the role of the registered nurse with immersion in another language and culture, enhancing professional education and career options.

The course offers all the benefits of the UTS Bachelor of Nursing, including clinical placements every semester, use of state-of-the-art facilities, selection of a clinical elective in the final year and development of an e-portfolio. In addition, students gain specific skills in their chosen language and culture and become more aware of the need for intercultural sensitivities, not only through studying another language and culture, but also by living in another country in the fourth year of the course.

Career options

Career options for registered nurses include working in diverse specialty areas such as community health, critical care, intensive care, aged care, mental health, operating theatres and paediatrics. Career progression opportunities include working as a clinical nurse consultant, clinical nurse specialist, nurse educator, nurse manager, nurse practitioner or rural and remote practice nurse. Career options are enhanced by international experience, making students more marketable to prospective employers.

Admission requirements

Applicants must have completed an Australian Year 12 qualification, Australian Qualifications Framework Diploma, or equivalent Australian or overseas qualification at the required level.

Admission to the combined degree is on merit according to the admissions policy for the Bachelor of Nursing (C10122).

There is a range of entry levels to the various language and culture programs. Students are admitted to the international studies program with no guarantee of entry to a specific major, although every effort is made to meet students' preferences.

The English proficiency requirement for international students or local applicants with international qualifications is: Academic IELTS: 6.5 overall with a writing score of 6.0; or TOEFL: paper based: 550-583 overall with TWE of 4.5, internet based: 79-93 overall with a writing score of 21; or AE5: Pass

Eligibility for admission does not guarantee offer of a place.

International students

Visa requirement: To obtain a student visa to study in Australia, international students must enrol full time and on campus. Australian student visa regulations also require international students studying on student visas to complete the course within the standard full-time duration. Students can extend their courses only in exceptional circumstances.

Assumed knowledge

Any two units of English (nursing component). There are no prior language requirements (international studies component).

Any two units of science and any two units of mathematics are recommended (nursing component).

External articulation

UTS offers an accelerated Bachelor of Nursing program to students who have completed the TAFE Certificate IV in Enrolled Nursing, and to students who have completed a degree in another discipline within the past seven years. Enrolled nurses receive 36 credit points of exemption and graduates receive 30 credit points of exemption. Applicants must have completed their qualification by December of the previous year to be eligible for the accelerated program. Spaces are limited in these accelerated programs and offers are based on competition.

Course duration and attendance

The course duration is five years of full-time study. Students spend two semesters of study at a university or other higher education institution in the country of their major.

Course structure

Students are required to complete 240 credit points of study comprising 144 credit points in nursing and 96 credit points in international studies. The Bachelor of Arts in International Studies requires undergraduates to study a region or country major over a minimum of three years.

Overseas study

Students spend their fourth year of study at a university overseas.

Industrial training/professional practice

The Bachelor of Nursing includes extensive clinical practice, which is a compulsory component of the course, commencing in the first semester. Students may be required to complete clinical practice during the semester break period.

Course completion requirements

CBK90005 Country major choice 96cp
Select one of the following: 144cp
      STM90330 Standard entry (BN)144cp 
      STM90331 Accelerated entry (BN)144cp 
Total 240cp

Course program

The example programs shown are for a standard-entry student who has chosen Germany as the International Studies major; and for an accelerated program graduate-entry student who has chosen Spain as the International Studies major. Other countries may be chosen from the list of majors in CBK90005; the program has the same structure but with subjects specific to the chosen country major.

Standard, full time
Year 1
Autumn semester
92313 Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 1 6cp
92327 Workshops for Practice Readiness 1 6cp
92326 Understanding the Person: Life Transitions 6cp
92320 Health and Society 6cp
Spring semester
92314 Assessment and Therapeutics in Health Care 2 6cp
92324 Professional Identity 6cp
91528 Health and Homeostasis 6cp
92328 Workshops for Practice Readiness 2 6cp
Year 2
Autumn semester
92315 Nursing Care of the Older Person 6cp
92317 Contemporary Indigenous Health and Wellbeing 6cp
97601 German Language and Culture 1 8cp
976001 Foundations in International Studies 8cp
Spring semester
97602 German Language and Culture 2 8cp
92319 Family and Children's Nursing 6cp
92318 Evidence for Nursing 6cp
Year 3
Autumn semester
92323 Fundamentals of Mental Health Nursing 6cp
91529 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 1 6cp
97603 German Language and Culture 3 8cp
Spring semester
97604 German Language and Culture 4 8cp
976421 Contemporary Germany 8cp
92322 Medical Surgical Nursing 6cp
91530 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 2 6cp
Year 4
Autumn or Spring semester
977420 In-country Study 1: Germany 24cp
978420 In-country Study 2: Germany 24cp
Year 5
Autumn semester
92330 Complex Nursing Care: Medical Surgical 6cp
92316 Complex Nursing Care: Mental Health 6cp
92329 Accountability in Nursing Practice 6cp
91527 Pathophysiology and Pharmacology 3 6cp
Spring semester
92331 Integrated Nursing Concepts 6cp
92312 Integrated Nursing Practice 6cp
92325 Professionalism in Context 6cp
Select 6 credit points from the following options: 6cp
92332 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Community Health Nursing6cp 
92333 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Critical Care Nursing6cp 
92334 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Family and Child Health Nursing6cp 
92335 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Mental Health Nursing6cp 
92336 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Palliative Care6cp 
92337 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Women's Health6cp 
92338 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Australian Indigenous Health Care6cp 
92339 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Aged Care Nursing6cp 
92340 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Paediatric Nursing6cp 
92341 Introduction to Specialty Practice: Perioperative Nursing6cp 
Select 6 credit points of options 6cp


The Bachelor of Nursing (Honours) (C09018) is available to eligible students with an additional year of full-time study or two years of part-time study.

Professional recognition

Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia. See the faculty rules for more information.

Other information

Further information is available from the UTS Student Centre on:

telephone 1300 ask UTS (1300 275 887)
or +61 2 9514 1222
or +61 2 9514 5021