Requisite(s): 91153 Catchment Ecosystems AND 91154 Ecology AND 91309 Biodiversity
Recommended studies: It is assumed that students have a thorough knowledge of basic ecology.
This and other extended field electives are normally taken in the senior stages of the degree course. The aim is to broaden students' understanding of environmental biology and its management applications by demonstration and experimentation outside the Sydney Basin. Topics include the ecology of tall forests and mountain areas, the management of mountain forests, the impacts of forestry operations, and the management of national parks and wilderness areas.
The direction of travel for this subject alternates north and south each year that the subject is offered.
Enrolment in the subject is restricted by the availability of space in vehicles. Preference is given to Environmental Science students, but is also based on academic performance over Stages 2–4.
Additional subject costs: The approximate cost of this subject to students is $650. For up-to-date cost and excursion dates, refer to Department of Environmental Sciences website at:
Assessment: Assessment involves submission of a log book/journal and a project report or presentation, to be completed after the field excursion.
Spring semester, City campus
This subject is offered every two years of a three-year cycle, alternating with 91370 Semi Arid Ecology. It will next be offered in 2007.