Requisite(s): 91101 Cells, Genetics and Evolution
This subject provides an introduction to the integrated catchment processes. It also provides an understanding of how physical processes of the terrestrial environment influence the water and sediment processes of the freshwater environment, which in turn influence the estuarine and finally the coastal and oceanic environments. A central theme for the lectures and practical components is the flux of water and sediment through these interconnected systems, and the biotic responses and adaptations to these. Most of the content of the subject is provided through a compulsory excursion with lectures provided prior to the excursion and a report and examination completed after the excursion. This subject is team taught over a period of seven days.
Additional subject costs: Students are expected to cover the costs of meals, accommodation and travel to the field area.
The approximate cost to students in 2007 is $360. For up-to-date cost and excursion dates, refer to the Department of Environmental Sciences' website:
Spring semester, City campus