Requisite(s): 87333 VC Technology: Typography, Text and Form AND 87443 VC Technology: Type for Print
Designers are now expected to deal with a wide range of technological tools and the constraints inherent to them, particularly in preparing work for use on CD-ROMS and the Web. They must be able to deliver designs for the digital realm where file sizes often make or break the performance of the work. This subject gives a grounding in the problems and techniques involved in preparing interactive solutions for CD-ROM delivery. It encourages versatility in the solution of technical problems encountered when designing interactive solutions for CD-ROMS, etc. Students gain an understanding of current work practices involved in these media, including copyright ethics and critical analysis of the issues involved. Students get hands-on practical experience of relevant software (Macromedia Director, Photoshop, Flash and Fireworks).
Autumn semester, City campus
May be run in intensive mode in Summer or Winter session.