Requisite(s): (48122 Engineering Practice Review 1 OR 48120 Review of Engineering Practice 1)) OR ((96 credit points of completed study in C10063 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Arts in International Studies OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10065 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Business OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10066 Bachelor of Engineering Science OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10067 Bachelor of Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10073 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Science OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10075 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Medical Science OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10078 Bachelor of Engineering Bachelor of Biotechnology OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10080 Bachelor of Engineering in Civil Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10084 Bachelor of Engineering in Electrical Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10085 Bachelor of Engineering in Computer Systems Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10086 Bachelor of Engineering in Telecommunications Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10087 Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10088 Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Engineering OR 96 credit points of completed study in C10091 Bachelor of Engineering in Manufacturing Systems Engineering)
These requisites may not apply to students in certain courses.
There are also course requisites for this subject. See access conditions.
This subject adopts a holistic view of project management, considering issues throughout a project lifecycle. It considers the legal, contractual and managerial responsibilities of engineering managers and organisations, from the definition phase of a project until the project reaches its conclusion. The perspective of stakeholders, particularly the project manager, are considered. The emphasis is interdisciplinary, of relevance to all fields of engineering.
Topics addressed include: modern project management practices; organisational strategy, structures and culture; project delivery; definition, timing, costing, planning; managing risk and scheduling resources; project leadership, teams and interoganisational relationships; project management contract law; conflict resolution, progess and performance and project measurement, evaluation, audits and closure.
Assessment: Typically students in this subject are assessed through an individual assignment, group assignment, in-class exercises and a final examination. Attendance at lectures is a requirement for the group assignment.
Autumn semester, City campus
Spring semester, City campus