This subject provides students with the opportunity to expand their knowledge, understanding, and ability to utilise a specified range of therapeutic interventions in mental health care. These interventions include early intervention methodologies, a comprehensive exploration of cognitive and dialectical behaviour therapies, and how the student can apply these approaches to a range of mental illnesses/disorders across a range of settings (including drug and alcohol, child and adolescent, adult, and aged care mental health). This subject also provides students with the opportunity to explore a range of somatic therapies and their impact on mental health care, including electro-convulsive therapy and updates on therapies for substance dependence and psychopharmacology utilised in Australia and internationally. The subject reviews developments in the implementation and use of comprehensive assessments and outcome measures, combined with application of evidence-based quality of care indicators and critical examination of their relevance to the delivery of mental health care. When reviewing understandings of mental distress and illness, students incorporate consumer participation approaches and collaborations with the family and community. When appropriate, students are encouraged to work together to explore therapies relevant to their clinical settings.