Alphabetical list of subjects
4 | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | L | M | N | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W
4G/5G Mobile Technologies 42890
Accelerating STEM Teaching with Stage 6 Engineering Studies 42064
Additive Manufacturing 1 41302
Additive Manufacturing for Medical Innovations 42722
Advanced Biomedical Engineering Studio A 43021
Advanced Biomedical Engineering Studio B 43022
Advanced Energy Conversion Systems 42091
Advanced Engineering Computing 48371
Advanced Flow Modelling 49312
Advanced Fluid and Particle Mechanics 41381
Advanced Power Electronics 42092
Advanced Problem Solving Techniques 41306
Advanced Soil Mechanics and Foundation Design 49254
Advanced Water and Wastewater Treatment 42991
Air and Noise Pollution 49049
Airconditioning 49322
Application of Timber in Engineering Structures 49136
Applications Studio A 41086
Applications Studio B 41087
Applied Financial Management 49098
Applied Geotechnics 49118
Applied Mechanics and Design A 41054
Applied Mechanics and Design B 43014
Artificial Intelligence in Robotics 41118
Basic Programming and Use of Collaborative Robots 42218
Bioinformatics 42001
Biomedical Industry Frameworks 42060
Biomedical Industry Frameworks 41161
Biomedical Instrumentation 49261
Biomedical Polymers 42026
Biomedical Signal Processing 42906
Bridge Design 49131
Building Information Model Principles and Application 42023
Capstone Project 48006
Catchment Modelling 49255
Chemical Thermodynamics and Reactor Design 41384
Circuit Analysis and Design 48530
Cloud Security 42035
Collaboration in Complex Projects 41203
Collaborative Innovation for Industry 4.0 41106
Collaborative Robotics Studio 41307
Communication Protocols 49202
Complexity Studio 42706
Computer Modelling and Design 48389
Computer-aided Mechanical Design 49325
Concrete Design 48353
Concrete Technology and Practice 49151
Construction 48340
Construction Materials 48352
Contaminated Site and Waste Remediation 49116
Control Design 41277
Control of Mechatronic Systems 49329
Control Studio A 48560
Control Studio B 48580
Coordinated Building Information Model 42024
Cryptography 41900
Cryptography 42000
Cyber Security for Mobile Platforms 42036
Cybersecurity 48730
Data Systems 41091
Decentralised Environmental Systems 49127
Design and Innovation Fundamentals 48240
Design for Automation: Food and Beverage Production 42136
Design for Automation: Prefab Construction Manufacturing 42138
Design for Automation: Product and Equipment Manufacturing 42135
Design for Durability 42907
Design in Mechanical and Mechatronic Systems 43019
Design Optimisation for Manufacturing 49928
Designing Sustainable Engineering Projects 41201
Digital Engineering for Infrastructure and Facilities 42127
Digital Engineering Fundamentals 43801
Digital Engineering Management 43802
Digital Forensics 48436
Dynamic Systems and Control A 41058
Dynamic Systems and Control B 43018
Economic Evaluation 49003
Economics and Finance for Engineering Projects 48250
Electrical Machines 48571
Electrical Power and Energy Systems Studio A 42093
Electrical Power and Energy Systems Studio B 42094
Electrical Power Systems 48572
Electrification and Renewables Studio 41124
Electromechanical Automation 48531
Electronic Components and Fabrication 41034
Electronic Components and Fabrication 42059
Electronics and Circuits 48520
Embedded Mechatronics Studio 41070
Embedded Mechatronics Systems 48622
Embedded Systems Studio A 48451
Embedded Systems Studio B 48570
Energy Economics, Optimisation and Policy 43026
Energy Storage Technologies 43123
Engineering Capstone 41030
Engineering Computations 48221
Engineering Experience 1 48110
Engineering Experience 2 48130
Engineering Graduate Project 42003
Engineering Graduate Project (12cp in one session) 49050
Engineering Graduate Project (18cp in one session) 49052
Engineering Graduate Project (30cp in one session) 49017
Engineering Graduate Project 12cp (Part 1 of 2) (2x6cp) 42013
Engineering Graduate Project 12cp (Part 2 of 2) (2x6cp) 42014
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 2) (2x9cp) 49183
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 2) (6cp+12cp) 49195
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 1 of 3) (3x6cp) 49189
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 2) (2x9cp) 49184
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 2) (6cp+12cp) 49196
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 2 of 3) (3x6cp) 49190
Engineering Graduate Project 18cp (Part 3 of 3) (3x6cp) 49191
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 2) (2x12cp) 49187
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 2) (9cp+15cp) 49197
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 1 of 3) (3x8cp) 49192
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 2) (2x12cp) 49188
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 2) (9cp+15cp) 49198
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 2 of 3) (3x8cp) 49193
Engineering Graduate Project 24cp (Part 3 of 3) (3x8cp) 49194
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 2) (2x15cp) 49153
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 3) (3x10cp) 49155
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 1 of 3) (6cp+12cp+12cp) 49147
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 2) (2x15cp) 49154
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 3) (3x10cp) 49156
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 2 of 3) (6cp+12cp+12cp) 49148
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 3 of 3) (3x10cp) 49157
Engineering Graduate Project 30cp (Part 3 of 3) (6cp+12cp+12cp) 49149
Engineering Graduate Project 48cp (Part 1 of 2) 42004
Engineering Graduate Project 48cp (Part 2 of 2) 42005
Engineering Mechanics 48321
Engineering Practice Preview 2 48141
Engineering Practice Review 2 48142
Engineering Project Appraisal 41200
Engineering Project Management 48260
Engineering Project Preparation 42908
Engineering Research Preparation 41029
Engineering Review 1 49143
Engineering Review 2 49144
Engineering Work Experience 41028
Entrepreneurship and Commercialisation 48270
Environmental and Sanitation Engineering 48350
Environmental Noise and Planning 42824
Environmental Planning and Law 48850
Environmental Risk Assessment 49125
Exchange Elective A 99850
Exchange Elective B 99851
Exchange Elective C 99852
Exchange Elective D 99853
Exchange Elective E 99854
Exchange Elective F 99859
Exchange Elective G 99860
Exchange Elective H 99861
Facade Engineering 49115
Factory Modelling and Simulation 41309
Finite Element Analysis 49047
Flood Estimation 49256
Floodplain Risk Management 49117
Fluid Mechanics 48641
Foundations of Electrical and Electronic Technology 48521
Fundamentals of Automation and Robotics 41303
Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Studio A 41162
Fundamentals of Biomedical Engineering Studio B 41163
Fundamentals of C Programming 48430
Fundamentals Studio A 41084
Fundamentals Studio B 41085
Geographic Information Systems 49257
Geotechnical Engineering 48360
Global Mobility A 41017
Global Mobility B 41018
Global Mobility C 42705
Green Technologies: Water-Waste-Energy Nexus 42012
Healthomics and Molecular Diagnostics 42723
Heat and Mass Transfer 41380
Human-machine Interfaces and Perception 41109
Hydraulics and Hydrology 48362
Industrial Data Science Studio 41107
Industrial Engineering 41301
Industrial IoT Studio 41305
Industrial Robotics 41013
Integrated Electronic Systems Design 41033
Integrated Product Development for Industry 4.0 41108
Internet of Things 48033
Internet Science 41903
Interrogating Technology: Sustainability, Environment and Social Change 48210
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 41160
Introduction to Biomedical Engineering 42721
Introduction to Building Information Modelling 42095
Introduction to Chemical Process Engineering 41117
Introduction to Civil and Environmental Engineering 48310
Introduction to Data Engineering 41082
Introduction to Electrical and Electronic Engineering 48510
Introduction to Engineering Projects 48230
Introduction to Humanitarian Engineering 43029
Introduction to Innovation 48080
Introduction to Mechanical Engineering 48610
Introduction to Mechatronics Engineering 41099
Introduction to Space Communications and Sensing 42057
Introduction to Sustainable Microgrids 42090
Introductory Digital Systems 48441
Introductory Embedded Systems 48434
Inventive Problem-Solving with TRIZ 42825
IoT Security 42037
Judgment and Decision Making 49001
Leadership and Responsibility 49069
Machine Learning and Industrial Data Science 41308
Machines and Mechanisms A 41056
Machines and Mechanisms B 43017
Managing Modern Industrial Automation 42137
Managing Projects 49002
Master of Engineering Thesis 49776
Materials and Manufacturing Engineering A 41053
Materials Handling 49316
Mechanical Design Fundamentals Studio 1 41059
Mechanical Design Fundamentals Studio 2 41060
Mechanical Systems Design Studio 1 41066
Mechanical Systems Design Studio 2 41067
Mechanics of Solids 48331
Methodology to Establish Building Information Model 42025
Microelectronics 41276
Microfluidics in Biology and Medicine 42724
Modelling and Design of Underground Structures 42068
Network Fundamentals 41092
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic 49275
Pavement Analysis and Design 49258
PhD Thesis: Engineering 49986
Planning, Field Investigation and Monitoring for Tunnels 42066
Pollution Control and Waste Management 48860
Power Electronics 41278
Power Systems Studio A 48582
Power Systems Studio B 48583
Prestressed Concrete Design 49150
Principles of Environmental Engineering 48821
Problematic Soils and Ground Improvement Techniques 49119
Process Design and Safety Studio 41386
Process Dynamics and Control 41385
Process Simulation 41383
Production System Design 41304
Professional Engineering Communication 41202
Professional Experience 1 41036
Professional Experience 2 41046
Professional Experience Review 41055
Professional Practice (BE) 48100
Professional Practice Preparation 1 41035
Professional Practice Preparation 2 41045
Professional Practice Review 1 41038
Professional Practice Review 2 41048
Professional Practice Studio 41130
Professional Service Project A 48901
Professional Service Project B 48902
Professional Studio A 41088
Professional Studio B 41089
Programming 2 48024
Programming for Mechatronic Systems 41012
Programming Fundamentals 48023
Project BEngSc 48001
Quality Planning and Analysis 49309
Real-time Operating Systems 48450
Renewable Energy Systems Studio A 48561
Renewable Energy Systems Studio B 48550
Renewable Energy Technology 43124
Research Dissertation 1 (EIT) 49723
Research Dissertation 2 (EIT) 49724
Research Dissertation 3 (EIT) 49725
Research Dissertation 4 (EIT) 49726
Risk Management in Engineering 49006
Road and Transport Engineering 48370
Road Engineering Practice 49106
Robotics Studio 1 41068
Robotics Studio 1 42043
Robotics Studio 2 41069
Robotics Studio 2 42044
Sensors and Control for Mechatronic Systems 41014
Signals and Systems 48540
Software Analysis Studio 41128
Software Architecture 48433
Software Defined Networks 41905
Software Defined Networks 42027
Software Design Studio 41127
Software Innovation Studio 41129
Soil Behaviour 48330
Space Bioengineering 43027
Space Engineering Design Studio 43028
Space Robotics 49274
Special Course A (2cp) 49082
Special Course A (4cp) 49084
Statistical Process Control 42143
Steel and Composite Design 49133
Steel and Timber Design 48366
Structural Analysis 48349
Structural Design for Blast Loads 42020
Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 49134
Summer Studio C 41152
Surveying 48320
Sustainability Studio 42707
Sustainable Energy Resources 42912
Sustainable Energy Studio 41125
Systems Engineering for Managers 49004
Technology and Innovation Management 49016
Telecommunications and Electronics Studio 42058
Thermofluids A 41057
Thermofluids B 43015
Traffic and Transportation 49102
Transdisciplinary Studio 42708
Tunnel Boring Machines and Trenchless Technologies 42065
Turbomachines 49328
Underground Construction and Management 42067
Unit Operations 41382
Urban Stormwater Design 49107
Value Chain Engineering Systems 49680
Waste and Pollution Management 49123
Water and Environmental Design 48881
Water Supply and Wastewater Engineering 48840
Wireless Sensor Networks 49227
Work Integrated Learning 1 41037
Work Integrated Learning 2 41047